We always provide consulting services at the end of each semester through exposure to research and practicum results that are in accordance with the actual needs of the Bogor City Government, from 2010 to the present.
The results (output) achieved are:
1.1. Expose material every semester in the form of Poster / Banner
1.2. Expose material every semester in the form of a complete paper and PowerPoint presentation
The resulting outcomes are:
1.1. The field implementation is in accordance with the results of the recommendations through consultation (pedestrian line in a one-way system; pedestrian line between Kapten Muslihat Street and Bogor Train Station)
1.2. Implementation in the field with adjustments made by the relevant Bogor government unit (Sempur field landscape, plan for naturalization of the Ciliwung River)
Policy Outcomes: through the process of consultation and action activities in the field a Mayor Decree No. has been issued. 660.45-247 of 2018 concerning the Establishment of the Naturalization Task Force Team (SatGas) in the Ciliwung River, Bogor City.