1. Botani Bakery
The advantage of Botani Bakery Products is to support food diversification. One of the efforts made is to use 30% cassava flour as a complement to wheat flour. All cake dough (except chiffon cake) are produced by reducing the gluten content by up to 50% but with maintain the good taste of cake.
Catalogue: https://sustainability.ipb.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Katalog-Botani-Bakery.pdf

2. Taman Koleksi
Taman Koleksi café (Takol) located inside IPB University Baranangsiang Campus. Offering the concept “Story Behind The Product”, Takol giving a new experience while drinking in the café like stories about how coffee is produced by farmers. This experience will give a new impression for the consumers. Takol Café is also surrounded by lush trees that will give a more comfortable atmosphere. Foods and drinks served are also diverse, with most of them is IPB University innovation results with Nusantara taste.
Catalogue: https://sustainability.ipb.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Katalog-Resto-Taman-Kolesi.pdf

3. Kam-In Resto
Resto Kam-in” (Kam-in means “Campus of Innovation”) serve sustainable and healthy vegetarian menus.
Catalogue: https://sustainability.ipb.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Katalog-Resto-Kampus-Inovasi.pdf

4. Botani Nusantara
Botani Nusantara or known as Kopi Nusantara located beside Student Service Center Building (SSC) inside IPB University Dramaga Campus. This Café that served various drinks, particularly coffee and other delicious foods become a comfortable place for students while enjoying service in SSC.

5. Kopicentrum
Kopicentrum Botani Café is located beside Stevia canteen, not far from the Faculty of Agriculture. This coffee shop not only becomes the new gathering place for students but also giving education about coffee. Kopicentrum is projected to be a coffee centre at IPB University. The information centre started from coffee introduction, coffee history, and correct coffee management procedures.

6. Stevia Canteen
The Stevia Canteen, located near the Faculty of Agriculture, IPB, offers a variety of healthy and vegetarian food menus. The name Stevia canteen is derived from one of the substances used in the production of natural sweeteners for the food industry.
7. Ungu Canteen
The Purple Canteen of IPB is a canteen located in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB. There are various types of food provided, namely geprek chicken, grilled chicken, nasi padang, and others.
Related news: https://bogor.tribunnews.com/2019/08/29/simak-rekomendasi-tempat-makan-siang-seru-untuk-mahasiswa-ipb
8. Blue Corner
IPB’s Blue Corner Canteen is located in the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences of IPB. The canteen, which is always crowded with students and lecturers, provides a variety of menus from meat, vegetarian, juice from various fruits, and various milk drinks.
Related News: https://ulasantempat.com/jawa-barat/kantin-blue-corner-fpik-ipb-248591
9. Yellow Corner
Yellow Coner is located in the Graga Widya Graduation area of IPB. We provide various types of healthy and nutritious food menus, such as gado-gado, avocado juice, mango juice, fried rice, grilled chicken and various other healthy menus.
Related News: https://www.trackpacking.com/v/index/4d901924b46488bff749e0a2

10. Kanjur Canteen (kantin Jujur)
The Honest Canteen (Kantin Jujur/Kanjur) is located at the Department of Biology, IPB. The canteen applies the principles of honesty. Buyers take the goods they want to buy, then put the money in storage according to the price of the goods taken. The price of the item is already available in the price list of the products sold.
Related News: https://foursquare.com/v/kantin-jujur-kanjur-departeman-biologi-ipb/4fc82dfee4b04669cebf6b3f
11. Rimbawan Canteen
Rimbawan Canteen is a typical canteen of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment of IPB. The canteen provides a variety of food and beverage menus, such as coffee, avocado juice, guava juice, fried rice, Bogor special soup, and various other menus.
12. Sapta Canteen
Sapta Canteen is located at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB, with various healthy menus, one of which is a vegetarian menu, such as gado-gado, vegetables made from organic ingredients. The Sapta canteen also provides free drinking water refills for all visitors.

13. Plasma Canteen
The Plasma Canteen is located in the Faculty of Human Ecology. The canteen uses the concept of nature with views of the IPB landscape around it. Various healthy food menus such as meat, vegetables, fruits and vegetarian types are provided.
Related News: https://twitter.com/femaipb/status/690135819873579009