1. KitaAman.id
KitaAman.id helps provide information and preventive advice in overcoming the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia. Information is obtained from crowdsourcing and volunteer reporting through risk detection and self-assessment.
Full article: https://sb.ipb.ac.id/en/soft-launching-kitaaman-id/
2. Preclinical Test of “Merah Putih” Vaccine
Primate Research Center (PSSP) IPB University and National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) have signed an official report on funding research for red and white vaccine preclinical testing with a focus on optimizing and revitalizing Animal Biosafety Level-2 (ABSL-2) and Animal Biosafety Level-3 (ABSL-3) testing facilities.
Full article: https://primata.ipb.ac.id/pertemuan-pssp-dan-brin-terkait-uji-preklinis-vaksin-merah-putih/