
Event for local farmers and food producers to connect and transfer knowledge

Farmer’s Day

IPB provides events for local farmers and food producers to connect and transfer knowledge. One of the examples, the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Human Ecology (BEM Fema) IPB University celebrates Farmer’s Day with students and farmers. This activity invited students and farmers to voice the results of studies on agricultural systems in the archipelago.

Training for Farmers

Increasing Women’s Motivation and Empowerment, IPB University Vocational School Lecturer Gives Training on the Utilization of the Home Yard IPB University Vocational School Lecturers provide training on the use of home yards to produce food needs. This training was given to housewives in Sinarsari Village, Dramaga Bogor.

Faculty of Agriculture Launches IPB Innovation Village – Subang

The Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) of IPB University launched the Subang Innovation Village. This activity is a collaboration between IPB University and the Subang Regency Government, IPB Subang Alumni Association, CV Sari Bumi Nusantara and farmers in Subang Regency. This activity was held in the Kiarasari Village Hall, Compreng District, Subang Regency, West Java

Training of Beef Cattle Breeding Management in Pangkal Jaya Village

Lecturer from IPB Vocational School Teaches Local Farmers in Sukabumi about Chili Cultivation

IPB Students Help local farmers in Wunut Village to manage the irrigation system

KKN Mahasiswa IPB Bantu Irigasi dan Budidaya Akuaponik di Wunut
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