“This is the second of two SDGs that look at the broader ecosystem – the other being SDG 14: Life Below Water. Life on land is a precious resource – we need to ensure that it is passed on to future generations, at a time when loss of biodiversity is an increasing concern. Different universities will have responsibility for very different landscapes and the life within, but all have a responsibility as stewards of their environment.”
(THE Impact Rankings)
Supporting land ecosystems through education
IPB University actively supports and organises initiatives that are designed to promote sustainable land use and conservation, with a particular emphasis on forests and wild land. These initiatives are in accordance with critical national policies, including Act No. 41/1999 on Forestry and Act No. 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management. The university fosters environmental stewardship and sustainable practices by collaborating with local communities and government entities through programmes such as large-scale tree planting, wildlife release, and conservation education. The ethos of Government Regulation No. 108/2015 on Forest Management is reflected in these endeavours, which underscore the importance of community involvement in forest stewardship. In addition to supporting Indonesia’s commitments under the Paris Agreement, IPB’s initiatives also contribute to the country’s broader environmental objectives, as specified in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024, with a particular emphasis on land use and forestry targets. IPB University is instrumental in the advancement of the objectives of Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.70/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2017 on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) by participating in activities such as organising international conferences on sustainable landscape development and preserving campus forests. Consequently, the university is contributing to national and global sustainability objectives.
Tree Planting in Campus Forest Park with ICRTH’s Participants
IPB University organised the International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH) 2023 and in the closing event, tree planting activities was conducted at Taman Hutan Kampus (Campus Forest Park) as part of the event. The tree planting event engages conference participants in practical conservation activities on the university campus. This activity aims to enhance the green cover on campus while promoting awareness of biodiversity and responsible land management among participants.
Preserving 20-hectares of Forest Area in Campus
IPB University, in partnership with United Tractors (UT), has initiated a conservation project aimed at preserving a 20-hectare forested area on its campus. This initiative demonstrates a collective dedication to environmental sustainability and the conservation of biodiversity. In 2023, UT, in collaboration with Yayasan Karya Bakti UT (YKBUT), initiated a programme to plant 15,000 trees in the region. This tree planting initiative aims to expand forested areas and improve plant species diversity, thereby promoting a more balanced ecosystem.
Tree planting with United Tractors
Tree Planting and Fish Release in Lebak Regency
The Alumni Association (HA) of IPB University conducted the planting of 10,000 trees and the release of 30,000 red tilapia fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) in Lebak Regency. This activity was carried out in partnership with the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Banten Province and the local community. The tree planting and fish release initiative is a programme organised by the Directorate of Alumni Affairs at IPB University, designed to contribute to environmental conservation efforts.
Tree planting and fish release
Forest and Land Management for Students in Labuan Bajo
IPB University, in partnership with the Komodo National Park Office, conducted the Ranger Goes to School (RGTS) conservation education programme at SMKN 1 Labuan Bajo. IPB University offered instruction on Forest and Plant Management within this programme, emphasising plant biodiversity to improve students’ comprehension of ecological interpretation. This education sought to provide students with knowledge regarding the Komodo dragon’s ecosystem and the wider flora and fauna of Komodo National Park. Students received training in the use of the PictureThis app for scanning and identifying plant species, thereby enhancing practical skills in conservation and environmental stewardship.
Collaboration with Ministry of Environment and Forestry to Strengthening Conservation Practises
Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University partnered with Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) through a formal cooperation agreement focused on strengthening conservation practices and sustainable forest management. This partnership aims to support initiatives such as specialized training programs, collaborative research projects, and community-focused outreach, all designed to encourage responsible land use and forest preservation. Through these efforts, IPB University provides valuable opportunities for students, researchers, and community members to engage directly with conservation practices.
Conservation and sustainable forest management practices with KLHK
International Conference to Promote Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of The Land
IPB University organises events centred on conservation and sustainable land use through the hosting of international conferences. The university convenes experts and practitioners to engage in discussions on sustainable agriculture, forest conservation, and sustainable tourism. IPB University seeks to enhance the responsible management of natural resources through these initiatives.
The International Symposium for Sustainable Landscape Development (ISSLD), conducted seven times, embraced the theme “Smart Resilient Environment” in 2023. The 7th ISSLD included four sub-themes: Vulnerability, Resilience, and Transformation; Mitigation, Adaptation, and Response; Conservation, Revitalisation, and Local Wisdom; and Innovation and Future Technology. The symposium presented comprehensive case studies focused on achieving sustainable landscape development in the post-COVID-19 pandemic context and addressing technological disruptions affecting Landscape Architecture.
The Postgraduate School of IPB University conducted the 3rd International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management (ISeNREM 2023). The seminar, titled “Sustainable Development and Environmental Science Towards a New Era,” included 111 speakers from seven countries: Croatia, South Korea, the UK, Japan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Cyprus, and Indonesia. This international event sought to enhance collaboration and promote knowledge in natural resource and environmental management.
The 4th International Conference on Tropical Silviculture (ICTS 2023), hosted by the Department of Silviculture at IPB University, convened experts to examine sustainable practices in tropical forestry, centred on the theme “Bridging Silviculture Knowledge and Practices to Foster the Achievement of SDGs and FOLU NET SINK 2030.” This biennial event served as a forum for the discussion of essential strategies and the advancement of scientific contributions in silviculture, forestry, and environmental conservation.
The Forest Science Camp (FORSC) 2023, organized by IPB University’s Faculty of Forestry and Environment, exemplifies the university’s commitment to promoting conservation and sustainable land use. This event gathers students, researchers, and professionals to participate in hands-on activities, workshops, and discussions on sustainable forestry, conservation strategies, and ecosystem management. By fostering a collaborative environment, FORSC 2023 helps participants deepen their understanding of sustainable land management and encourages the development of practical solutions for preserving natural resources.
IPB University is dedicated to promoting sustainable food systems and sourcing food from environmentally responsible practices. They have implemented policies and programs to ensure sustainable food procurement, including an eco-labelled canteen and an Indonesian Organic Farming Systems certified Agribusiness and Technology Park. These initiatives support national objectives related to food security and environmental conservation, ensuring the campus community has access to sustainably farmed food.
IPB University is committed to offering sustainably farmed food on campus, in accordance with national policies including Act No. 18/2012 on Food and Government Regulation No. 17/2015 on Food Security and Nutrition. According to Rector Decree No. 133/2020, all campus canteens are required to utilise raw materials obtained from sustainable agriculture, livestock, and fisheries, while complying with animal ethics standards and reducing environmental impact (Rector Decree No. 133/2020, point J, page 2).
Rector’s Decree No. 133 (point J, page 2)
Additionally, The Rector’s Policy on Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle (article 5, page 4) stipulates that all food on campus must be sourced sustainably.
Circular Letter on Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle (article 5, page 4)
IPB University manages an eco-labelled canteen as a component of its sustainable food initiatives. This canteen adheres to the IPB Green Campus 2019–2023 framework, ensuring that all food served is healthy, clean, and safe, with products sourced from natural resources while prioritising ecosystem preservation.
The Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP) at the university, certified under SNI 6729-2016 for Organic Farming Systems, demonstrates our dedication to sustainable agricultural practices in accordance with Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 64/Permentan/OT.140/5/2013 regarding Organic Agriculture Systems. This certification justifies IPB University adherence to stringent standards in production, processing, storage, and marketing. ATP manages 185,100 m² of organic farmland in partnership with 52 local farmers, producing organic products for distribution to modern markets, supermarkets, and online retailers. These initiatives support campus sustainability and contribute to national food security and environmental protection goals as specified in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 and Act No. 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management. This approach highlights the alignments of IPB’s policies and practices with a wider national movement aimed at sustainable food systems and environmental stewardship.
The Sarjana Farmers’ Learning Facility (Sabisa Farm) serves as a field station of IPB University, established to support students pursuing agricultural entrepreneurship. Sabisa Farm instructs students in the management of enterprises centred on the cultivation of diverse fruits and vegetables. Sabisa Farm is accessible to the public, enabling visitors to select and savour a range of fresh fruits directly from the farm.
IPB University is dedicated to preserving ecosystems and biodiversity, particularly endangered species, in accordance with Act No. 5/1990 (Currently, Act No. 32 of 2024 pertains to the amendments to Act No. 5 of 1990) on the conservation of biological natural resources and their ecosystems. This commitment is evidenced by scientific research, reports, and initiatives focused on mitigating biodiversity loss and preserving endangered species, frequently in partnership with pertinent stakeholders. IPB University collaborates with national and international stakeholders to mitigate biodiversity loss and preserve endangered species.
IPB University engages in collaborative efforts with national parks throughout Indonesia to enhance the protection and preservation of essential ecosystems and biodiversity. The university has formed multiple Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with notable national parks, utilising these collaborations to support ongoing conservation initiatives. IPB University collaborates with Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, recognised as one of the most biodiverse protected regions in West Java. This partnership enables the university to promote research, education, and community engagement initiatives aimed at protecting the park’s diverse plant and animal life. IPB has established collaborative agreements with Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java and Kerinci Seblat National Park in Sumatra. These agreements facilitate the involvement of the university’s researchers and students in monitoring, restoration, and awareness initiatives within these ecologically significant areas. IPB University fosters strong ties with national parks, demonstrating its commitment to maintaining and enhancing the resilience of Indonesia’s natural ecosystems and the biodiversity they support.
IPB University is also involved in international collaborations to enhance Sumatran rhino populations through gene-editing, aligning with Government Regulations. IPB’s Urban Forest I-Tree Research Project, in partnership with USFS-IP, enhances sustainable forest management practices. These initiatives collectively advance the objectives of Indonesia’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) 2015-2020 (in 2024, succeeded by the 2025-2030 IBSAP), illustrating IPB’s dedication to national biodiversity conservation goals. This approach demonstrates that IPB’s initiatives are integral components of Indonesia’s broader ecosystem and biodiversity conservation efforts, rather than isolated university projects.
International Collaboration to Increase Sumatran Rhino Population Through Gene-editing
IPB University also involved with international collaboration aimed at enhancing the Sumatran rhino population via gene-editing aligns with Government Regulation No. 7/1999 concerning the Preservation of Plant and Animal Species and Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018 regarding Protected Plant and Animal Species. This initiative aids Indonesia in its efforts to safeguard critically endangered species.
Seven delegates from IPB University attended the workshop The World’s Leading Researchers in Sumatran Rhino Reproduction. The three-day workshop concluded with the signing of an international collaboration agreement between IPB University, Colossal Biosciences, and Re:Wild. This collaboration encompassed research and development activities focused on the Sumatran rhino, aiming to increase its population in conservation areas through gene-editing approaches.
Collaboration for Sumatran Rhino
I-Tree Technology for Forest Protection
Lecturers from IPB University participated in the Urban Forest I-Tree Research Project in collaboration with the United States Forest Service International Programme (USFS-IP), developing I-Tree technology. This technology was designed to accurately assess comprehensive data about forest potential, including tree species and ages, oxygen production, and carbon absorption by forests. With this information, policymakers were better equipped to manage and utilise urban forests not only for environmental conservation but also for economic benefits. This collaboration is consistent with Government Regulation No. 108/2015 regarding Forest Management. IPB is enhancing informed and sustainable forest management practices in Indonesia through the development of I-Tree technology, which accurately assesses comprehensive data regarding forest potential.
IPB University offers comprehensive educational programmes on ecosystems, focusing on wild flora and fauna, for local and national communities. The educational programmes on ecosystems at IPB represent significant university initiatives and are essential elements of Indonesia’s comprehensive environmental education and conservation strategies. These programmes show IPBUniversity’s commitment in implementing the Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2023 on Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation in Sustainable Development. The Presidential Instruction promotes the role of higher education institutions in the management of biodiversity through education, research, and community service and offers technical assistance in the form of education and training related to the conservation of biodiversity in sustainable development. It also aligned with Act No. 32/2009 regarding Environmental Protection and Management, which highlights the importance of environmental education and community involvement. The various educational initiatives collectively advance the goals of Act No. 18/2013 on the Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction by enhancing community awareness and involvement in ecosystem protection and management.
Gunung Walat Educational Forest
The Gunung Walat Educational Forest programme aligns with the objectives outlined in Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.30/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/3/2016 regarding Forest and Environmental Education Procedures. This programme addresses forest protection, social forestry, and conservation. Gunung Walat Educational Forest of IPB University facilitated as many as 103 forestry students from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Riau with field education on forest management practices. The programme encompassed practical sessions focused on forest protection, social forestry, soil and water conservation, forest inventory, and mapping and is consistent with the provisions for community participation in forest management outlined in Act No. 41/1999 on Forestry. IPB University provided modules focused on the management of conservation areas and ecotourism, supplemented by field trips to examine ex-situ wildlife conservation at Safari Park Cisarua and ex-situ plant conservation at the Bogor Botanic Gardens (KRB).
Flood Disaster Vulnerability Maps
I-Tree Training
IPB University’s I-Tree Training aligns with the objectives of Government Regulation No. 46/2017 on Environmental Economic Instruments by improving community awareness of ecosystem services. This initiative provides local governments and community groups with the skills necessary to analyse and monitor urban trees, thereby enhancing informed environmental management decisions. The inaugural I-Tree Training aims to equip participants with the skills required to evaluate urban forest ecosystems, with a particular emphasis on wild flora and fauna in urban settings. The I-Tree Eco tool, utilised internationally, is employed to assess the structure, benefits, and health of urban forests through the measurement of diverse ecosystem indicators.
The training convened representatives from local governments, environmental organisations, and community groups, imparting practical skills for analysing and monitoring trees within their jurisdictions. Participants acquired the ability to assess the environmental services provided by urban trees, including carbon sequestration, enhancement of air quality, and management of stormwater. This programme sought to enhance understanding of ecosystems and biodiversity, contributing to the development of resilient communities capable of protecting and improving their local environments. By providing training on the use of the I-Tree Eco tool, IPB University’s initiative aligns with the objectives of Government Regulation No. 46/2017, which focuses on the utilisation of environmental economic instruments to raise awareness and promote the conservation of ecosystem services. The skills gained by the training participants enable them to make informed decisions regarding urban forest management, contributing to the overall environmental sustainability of their communities.
Board Game to Educate Children about Ecosystems
The educational board game created by students from IPB University’s Vocational School adheres to the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 22/2020 regarding the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture for 2020-2024, which prioritises environmental education within the curriculum. This interactive tool instructs children on biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, promoting early awareness of environmental issues. The game functions as an interactive medium to educate communities, particularly children, about the significance of conserving wild flora and fauna and the essential role of ecosystems in sustaining environmental health. It addresses multiple facets of ecosystem conservation, promoting an understanding of the importance of safeguarding natural habitats and the species reliant on them.
The educational game focuses on wild flora and fauna to enhance public awareness regarding local biodiversity and the associated threats, including habitat loss and climate change. By incorporating these environmental themes, the game aligns with the objectives outlined in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s strategic plan, which emphasises the integration of environmental education into the curriculum. Through this innovative educational tool, IPB University’s Vocational School students have created a platform to engage children and communities in learning about biodiversity conservation. The game serves as a hands-on approach to foster early awareness and understanding of the critical role ecosystems play in maintaining a healthy environment, contributing to the overall sustainability efforts within the region.
Agroedutourism (AET) IPB University
Agroedutourism programs (AET) are available to the public. Educational programs are offered in the Biopharmaceutical Medicinal Plant Installation Garden, Insect Garden, and Cikabayan Garden. The agroedutourism visit constitutes an educational tour package designed to present the horticultural agribusiness management model implemented by the Agriculture and Technology Park IPB. Various packages are available, encompassing activities such as walking and identifying species in the garden, as well as engaging in the cultivation of plants. It offers training for actors and individuals involved in agribusiness, whether directly or indirectly associated with agribusiness activities.
Agroedutourism at IPB University
Summer Course about Education and Ecotourism of Primates in Natural Habitat Facilities
The Centre for Primate Studies (PSSP) at LPPM-IPB, in collaboration with the Primatology Study Program at SPs-IPB, conducted a Summer Course entitled: The 3rd Summer Course on Current Issues in Primatology: Education and Ecotourism of Primates in Natural Habitat Facilities. The program sought to provide participants with current and fundamental knowledge on subjects including ecotourism, animal ethics, and the collection and analysis of primate specimens. The programme involved faculty, students, researchers, and experts from national and international backgrounds.
Conservation of Tropical Forest Resources Course
IPB University offers educational programs on ecosystems that focus on wild flora and fauna, catering to both local and national communities. Through the Conservation of Tropical Forest Resources (KSHE) program, run by the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, the university engages students and the broader community in conservation education. KSHE frequently organizes field trips, workshops, and social media campaigns to increase awareness about the importance of preserving biodiversity in tropical forests. By highlighting conservation practices and the roles of various species within ecosystems, these programs foster a greater understanding of sustainable practices and encourage community involvement in protecting wild flora and fauna.
IPB University is dedicated to educating local and national communities about sustainable land management practices in agriculture. This is guided by the university’s policies and frameworks, such as Rector’s Decree No. 133/2020, which mandates the sourcing of raw materials from sustainable agriculture, livestock, and fisheries for all campus canteens, aligning with national regulations on food security and nutrition. The Rector’s Policy on Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle also explicitly requires all food on campus to be obtained through sustainable means, while the IPB Green Campus 2019–2023 framework prioritizes the procurement of products from natural resources while preserving local ecosystems.
Through outreach programmes, IPB University educates communities on sustainable farming methods and food security. The Faculty of Agriculture has initiated the Urban Farming Programme in Depok City. Concurrently, the Innovation Village Project in Subang has provided the Kiarasari Village community with knowledge and skills that correspond with the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 and Act No. 32/2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. The Vocational School provides a program in Plantation Production Technology and Management, while the School of Coffee emphasises sustainable agricultural land management aligned with the SNI 6729-2016 standard for Organic Farming Systems. The initiatives illustrate IPB University’s dedication to enhancing local and national communities in the sustainable management of agricultural land.
IPB Educated Depok City’s Community about Urban Farming
The Faculty of Agriculture at IPB University initiated an Urban Farming programme in Depok City to address the increasing costs of essential produce, including chilli peppers. This program, created in partnership with the local community, focusses on sustainable farming practices, the elimination of pesticide use, and evaluates the effects on local temperature variations. Participants learn to cultivate chilli peppers and other essential vegetables, enabling them to efficiently utilise limited space surrounding their homes. This initiative has enhanced the self-reliance of Depok residents in fulfilling their daily food requirements, while promoting sustainable land use and agricultural practices within the community.
IPB University Educated Community in Kiarasari Village about Sustainable Farming
Since 2021, IPB University has initiated the Innovation Village project in Subang, collaborating with partners and the Kiarasari Village government to promote sustainable farming practices. This programme has provided the Kiara Village community with knowledge regarding effective land use and sustainable farming techniques that improve productivity while adhering to environmental constraints. Consequently, the village exported 100 tonnes of Inpari 32 rice seeds to areas including Sumatra and Central Sulawesi in 2023.
Plantation Production Technology and Management (TMP) Programme for Palm Oil Farmers’ Family
The Vocational School (SV) at IPB University, in partnership with the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS), initiated the 2023 Palm Oil Plantation Human Resource Development Programme (SDM PKS). This initiative allocates educational scholarships totalling IDR 13.9 billion, designed to assist 60 palm oil farmers and their families. IPB University has initiated the Plantation Production Technology and Management (TMP) programme at its Vocational School, providing an Applied Bachelor’s degree (Diploma IV) to support this initiative. The curriculum is organised according to job levels and is consistent with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI). The TMP programme incorporates a training scheme for palm oil plantation assistants, allowing graduates to undertake competency certification exams acknowledged by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).
Scholarship for Palm Oil Farmers’ Family
School of Coffee
IPB University provides a program known as the School of Coffee, aimed at educating farmers, especially young farmers, on the establishment and expansion of coffee plantations. The program encompasses sustainable land management, marketing strategies, exporting practices, and additional topics. This initiative equips young farmers with practical knowledge and emphasises the significance of attracting new generations to agriculture, particularly in coffee farming. As the demand for coffee increases both domestically and internationally, IPB University’s Coffee School is essential in training skilled young farmers to enhance coffee production and promote sustainable agricultural practices in Indonesia.
IPB University is dedicated to educating local and national communities about sustainable land management for tourism. IPB University hosted the International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH) in 2023, promoting responsible practices. IPB University also organised the Greenhack Challenge – Biodiversity & Ecotourism App Hackathon, encouraging local communities to use innovative technologies for nature conservation. IPB’s Vocational School Ecotourism programme also conducted a Community Service Program in Tepus Tourism Village. These initiatives demonstrate IPB University’s comprehensive strategy for sustainable tourism practices.
Agroedutourism IPB
Through a partnership with SEAMEO BIOTROP, IPB University launched the Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism (AEET) initiative. This program combines elements of agriculture, ecology, and education to promote sustainable practices in tourism. The AEET initiative offers hands-on experiences, such as visits to the Stingless Bee Garden, Sensory Garden, and Aquatic Garden, each designed to teach participants about biodiversity conservation and responsible land use.
Promoting Ecotourism Through Sustainable Agriculture: IPB and Cibulao Coffee Collaboration
IPB University has partnered with the Cibulao Forest Farmers Group in Bogor, through its Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (P4W-LPPM), to promote sustainable coffee cultivation. This program uses shade-grown techniques that help reduce soil erosion and support forest preservation. By working closely with local farmers, IPB not only strengthens the local economy through eco-friendly coffee production but also raises awareness about sustainable agricultural practices that complement ecotourism objectives, fostering a balance between economic benefits and environmental stewardship.
Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality
IPB University hosted the International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH) 2023, highlighting the significance of sustainable tourism management. This conference convened international speakers and facilitated discussions on strategies to reconstruct and improve sustainable tourism practices. This conference functioned as an essential educational forum, disseminating important insights regarding sustainable land management in the tourism industry. This is consistent with Regulation No. 14 of 2016 from the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, which highlights the significance of stakeholder collaboration and community involvement in the development of sustainable tourism. This is consistent with IPB University’s initiatives to enhance awareness and encourage sustainable practices in tourism, particularly within local communities in Bogor and adjacent regions.
Facilitating Ecotourism via Competitive Strategies
IPB University organised the Greenhack Challenge – Biodiversity & Ecotourism App Hackathon, focussing on a hackathon for applications related to biodiversity and ecotourism. This event is a competition aimed at involving the community in utilising technology and innovative methods to promote nature conservation, specifically in relation to ecotourism in Indonesia. The hackathon seeks to advance the application of innovative technologies and creative methodologies that improve ecotourism, facilitating local communities in the sustainable management of their natural resources. This initiative facilitates the execution of the National Tourism Development Master Plan 2020-2024, emphasising the advancement of sustainable and environmentally responsible tourism.
Greenhack Challenge – Biodiversity & Ecotourism App Hackathon
Advancing Ecotourism in Tepus Village
On September 5, 2023, students from the Vocational School enrolled in the Ecotourism study programme engaged in a Community Service Program (KKN) at Tepus Tourism Village. This programme aimed to develop the ecotourism potential in Kalurahan Tepus through the identification and enhancement of existing opportunities. The students engaged with the local community to conduct activities and research aimed at developing sustainable ecotourism concepts. They also aimed to inform local residents about the importance of conserving natural resources and local culture in the context of sustainable tourism.
Supporting land ecosystems through action
IPB University has established a range of policies and initiatives that reflect its commitment to the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems linked to the institution. These efforts are strategically aligned with Indonesia’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) 2015-2020 (in 2024, succeeded by the 2025-2030 IBSAP), contributing significantly to the country’s broader biodiversity conservation objectives. IPB University has established itself as a leader in environmental stewardship within higher education by implementing a comprehensive strategy that includes campus-wide policies, academic initiatives, and global partnerships. The university’s comprehensive strategy addresses both the immediate ecological requirements of its campus and aligns with national environmental policies and international sustainability objectives. This approach illustrates the significant role educational institutions can have in ecosystem conservation, acting as exemplars for sustainable land management and biodiversity preservation. IPB University is significantly contributing to national and global environmental goals, establishing a standard for other institutions to emulate.
The IPB Biodiversity Campus Code of Ethics formally outlines this commitment, guiding campus activities aimed at protecting and enhancing biodiversity. This code aligns with the objectives of Act No. 32/2009 regarding Environmental Protection and Management, illustrating IPB’s proactive commitment to environmental stewardship.
Biodiversity Campus Code of Ethics
IPB University has produced the Green Campus Academic Paper, detailing strategies for the conservation and sustainable utilisation of biodiversity and landscapes within the campus environment. The Green Campus document (pages 77-80) outlines strategies that encompass actions and policies for the management and conservation of terrestrial ecosystems linked to the university, including forested regions and various natural landscapes. This approach is consistent with Government Regulation No. 28/2011 regarding the management of nature reserves and conservation areas, as well as Presidential Regulation No. 9/2013 on the management of protected areas, effectively adapting these national policies to the university context.
Green Campus Academic Paper (pages 77-80)
IPB University also actively promotes the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems linked to the institution, particularly through its management of the Gunung Walat Educational Forest. Under the stewardship of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment since 1968, Gunung Walat exemplifies IPB’s collaborative conservation efforts. The university has implemented reforestation initiatives within the forest, engaging both students and the local community to foster a culture of environmental responsibility. Beyond serving as a research and educational resource, the forest is also a valued ecotourism site, creating economic and educational benefits for nearby communities.
Gunung Walat Educational Forest
Additionally, by joining the Nature Positive Universities Alliance, IPB University demonstrates its commitment to protecting biodiversity on its campus and contributing to global sustainability goals, in accordance with Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 3/2020 on National Higher Education Standards.
IPB University pledged on the Nature Positive Universities Alliance
IPB University demonstrates a robust commitment to identifying, monitoring, and protecting IUCN Red Listed species and nationally listed conservation species. This commitment aligns with several key national policies, including Act No. 5/1990 on Conservation of Living Resources and Their Ecosystems (Currently, Act No. 32 of 2024 pertains to the amendments to Act No. 5 of 1990) and Government Regulation No. 7/1999 on Preservation of Plant and Animal Species. Through these initiatives, IPB University not only complies with national regulations but also actively contributes to Indonesia’s broader efforts in protecting and conserving endangered species, setting a standard for other institutions to follow. The university’s efforts are directly in line with the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. P.20/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/6/2018, which outlines the protection of endangered species. To enforce this commitment on campus, IPB has implemented Academic Senate Regulation No. 36/2020, which specifically details measures for animal protection in university areas (page 7, point 2f).
Academic Senate Regulation No. 36/2020 (page 7, point 2f)
IPB University’s Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Management System (SMK3L) ensures the protection of flora and fauna in areas impacted by its activities (page 1, subsection 1.1, point d). This system, which includes monitoring local plant and animal species, supports the objectives of Act No. 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management. The system includes monitoring local plant and animal species as part of its work environment management strategy (page 2, subsection 1.2, point b-II-(1)), with targets clearly outlined in its guidelines (page 4).
Occupational and Environmental Health Policy
The university’s Indonesia Species Specialist Group (IdSSG) actively contributes to updating Indonesia’s National IUCN Red List, aligning with the Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Regulation No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018 on Protected Plant and Animal Species. This group gathers biodiversity experts who collaborate with government agencies and other partners to update Indonesia’s National IUCN Red List, focusing on lesser-known taxonomic groups and promoting conservation efforts in underrepresented regions. IdSSG’s work includes raising public awareness, building capacity for scientists and conservation practitioners, and fostering international collaborations to mitigate biodiversity loss, while advocating for biodiversity-friendly policies across various sectors. This work supports the goals of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) 2015-2020 (in 2024, succeeded by the 2025-2030 IBSAP).
IPB University’s Indonesia Species Specialist Group
KLHK Regulation No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018 on Protected Plant and Animal Species
IPB University’s comprehensive monitoring of campus biodiversity, which has identified numerous species across various taxonomic groups, demonstrates its commitment to the principles outlined in Presidential Regulation No. 9/2013 on Management of Protected Areas, adapting these principles to the university context. In practice, IPB University routinely identifies and monitors the flora and fauna on its campus. Currently, there are 22 species of mammals, 99 species of birds, 12 species of amphibians, 38 species of reptiles, 128 species of butterflies, 173 species of woody plants, 40 species of bamboos, and at least 127 species of medicinal plants recorded within the IPB University campus area.
Herpetofauna Monitoring in Campus
To further support IUCN-listed species, IPB University has set up several dedicated breeding facilities. The university maintains a breeding facility for long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), an endangered species according to the IUCN, at its Tinjil Island field station. This field station is designated for semi-natural breeding, as well as for education, research, and training for students and staff from IPB and other institutions interested in primatology. Additionally, IPB University also manages a breeding facility for Bali starlings (Leucopsar rothschildi), a species classified as critically endangered by the IUCN.
IPB University’s Tinjil Island Field Station
IPB University collaborated with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on the conservation of the critically endangered Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis). In 2023, this partnership resulted in the successful birth of a Sumatran rhinoceros calf named Ratu, symbolising a significant advancement for the species’ conservation efforts.
IPB University demonstrates a strong commitment to integrating local biodiversity into all aspects of campus planning and development, including the construction of new buildings. This approach aligns with several key national and regional policies, such as Law No. 26/2007 on Spatial Planning, Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 05/PRT/M/2008 on Guidelines for the Provision and Utilisation of Green Open Space in Urban Areas, and Government Regulation No. 46/2016 on Procedures for Implementation of Strategic Environmental Assessment. Through these initiatives, IPB University not only complies with national and regional regulations but also sets a high standard for integrating biodiversity considerations into campus development, showcasing its leadership in sustainable campus planning and design. This commitment also aligned with the current Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2023 on Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation in Sustainable Development. The Presidential Instruction promotes the role of higher education institutions in the management of biodiversity through education, research, and community service and offers technical assistance in the form of education and training related to the conservation of biodiversity in sustainable development.
The university’s Green Campus initiative, detailed on pages 87-89 of the academic manuscript, outlines sustainable building practices that prioritise biodiversity. This initiative supports the objectives of Law No. 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management and aligns with the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.69/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/8/2019 on Building Design Guidelines for Environment-Friendly Buildings. Rector’s Decree No. 133/2020 further strengthens this approach by mandating the inclusion of local biodiversity considerations in every planning and development process on campus (point r, page 2).
IPB Green Campus (pages 87-89)
Rector’s Decree No. 133/2020 (point r, page 2)
IPB University’s masterplan for maintaining open and green spaces, particularly at the IPB Dramaga Campus, supports the objectives of Presidential Regulation No. 97/2017 on General Policy and National Strategy for Management of Living Space. The plan to maintain open spaces through 2045, even as the campus population grows, demonstrates IPB’s long-term commitment to biodiversity and sustainable development.
Following WHO guidelines of 50 m² per person (or a minimum of 9 m²) and the Regional Regulation of West Java Province No. 12/2014 on Management of Watershed Areas and Control of Spatial Utilisation, IPB University has set a standard for new building projects to have a 20% green base coefficient (KDH). This policy supports the university’s goal of meeting the ideal green space requirement of 62.04%, ensuring both environmental balance and alignment with global sustainability standards.
IPB University has a robust policy aimed at reducing the impact of alien species on campus, aligned with several key national regulations and environmental standards. This policy is outlined in Rector’s Decree No. 133/2020, which specifically states (point p, page 2) that efforts are made to ensure no alien or invasive species are present. This policy directly supports the objectives of Act No. 5/1990 on Conservation of Living Resources and Their Ecosystems (Currently, Act No. 32 of 2024 pertains to the amendments to Act No. 5 of 1990), which provides the framework for protecting native species and managing invasive species in Indonesia. It also aligns with the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.94/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/11/2016 on Invasive Alien Species, which outlines guidelines for the management and control of invasive alien species.
The Green Campus Academic Paper at IPB further strengthens this commitment, aligning with both national and international environmental standards, such as UNEP guidelines, with a focus on biodiversity conservation. The policy, described on page 27 of the Green Campus document, emphasises selecting native species and limiting non-native ones, supporting the objectives of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018 on Protected Plant and Animal Species.
IPB University’s efforts to limit non-native species on campus also contribute to the goals outlined in the Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 48/Permentan/SR.130/8/2016 on Invasive Alien Species of Plants, as well as the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.92/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/8/2018 on Types of Protected Plants and Animals. By prioritising native species and actively working to prevent the introduction of alien or invasive species, IPB University demonstrates its commitment to biodiversity conservation, aligning with the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) 2015-2020 (in 2024, succeeded by the 2025-2030 IBSAP).
IPB University is actively collaborating with local communities to maintain shared land ecosystems. The university manages the Gunung Walat Educational Forest, a reforestation initiative, and cultivates Calina papaya, a local fruit variety. It also partners with the Ministry of Agriculture and alumni association to develop high-yielding rice varieties in Subang, West Java, promoting sustainable agriculture and community empowerment in social forestry management.
Gunung Walat Educational Forest
The Gunung Walat Educational Forest, has been managed by the Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) since 1968, exemplifying a collaborative approach. The university implemented a reforestation programme that involved students and the local community, promoting environmental stewardship. Gunung Walat Educational Forest functions not only as a research site but also as an ecotourism destination, providing advantages to the local community. The forest has facilitated field trips for participants in the 2nd International Summer Course on Natural Resources and Environmental Management Science (ISCoNREM 2023), thereby enhancing collaboration and knowledge exchange. This collaborative approach supports environmental conservation and enhances community education and awareness regarding sustainable land management practices.
Gunung Walat Educational Forest
Collaborating with Local Communities to Maintain Shared Land Ecosystems: IPB University’s Calina Papaya Initiative
IPB University engages with the local community to sustain shared land ecosystems through initiatives such as the cultivation of Calina papaya (Carica papaya). This locally developed fruit, created by researchers at IPB, has been effectively distributed to various minimarkets within a community-oriented agricultural initiative. In 2023, Calina papaya was cultivated in multiple assisted villages and at IPB’s field stations, which include Leuwisadeng, Benteng, Ciaruteun, Bojongjengkol, Pasirmadang, Mulyaharja, Petir, Sinarsari, and Sukamantri. The planting programme has involved more than 50 community members, comprising farmers, agricultural workers, and practitioners, thereby promoting collaboration and collective stewardship of the land. The current production of Calina papaya stands at 1.5 tonnes per week, with an objective to escalate this figure to 6 tonnes per week by 2024.
IPB Collaborated with Local Community in Subang
IPB University has collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Himpunan Alumni Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) to cultivate high-yielding rice varieties over 500 hectares in Subang, West Java. This initiative engages local farmers in the cultivation process to enhance productivity and reinforce food security. The collaborative initiatives correspond with the Ministry of Agriculture’s Regulation No. 67 of 2016 concerning Sustainable Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.44 of 2019 regarding Community Empowerment in Social Forestry Management, illustrating IPB University’s dedication to preserving shared land ecosystems via community partnerships.
Land-sensitive waste disposal
IPB University’s water quality standards and guidelines are aligned with several key national regulations, including Government Regulation No. 82/2001 on Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control, which provides the legal framework for these standards. The university also ensures compliance with the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 5/2014 on Wastewater Quality Standards, which sets the specific parameters and limits for wastewater discharges in Indonesia.
Furthermore, IPB University’s policies adhere to the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.68/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/8/2016 on Domestic Wastewater Management, which is particularly relevant to the university’s campus operations. The recent Government Regulation No. 22/2021 on the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management also reinforces the importance of water quality standards and wastewater management, aligning with IPB University’s comprehensive approach.
IPB University’s water quality standards and guidelines are further detailed in the Green Campus Policy and supported by the Standard Operational Procedure for Wastewater Management (IPAL). This approach, grounded in national regulations and international standards, positions IPB University as a leader in sustainable campus management. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of its water quality monitoring and management, IPB University has implemented the ISO 17025 standard for water quality analysis in laboratories, such as the Department of Agroindustrial and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, and the PROLING Laboratory at the MSP Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. This demonstrates IPB University’s commitment to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of its water quality monitoring and management.
Water quality standards and guidelines (page 108)
Standard Operational Procedure for Wastewater Management (IPAL)
A wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is a structure designed to dispose of biological and chemical waste from a building that is treated using biotech and other supporting devices so that it is safe to be disposed of in the environment.
Standard Operational Procedure: Wastewater Treatment Plant
National Regulation
IPB University follows the Environment and Forestry Ministry Regulation No. P.16/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/4/2019 on water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges. By adhering to these comprehensive policies and regulations, the university demonstrates its commitment to protecting ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and welfare.
IPB University has a strong commitment to reducing plastic waste on campus, aligning its efforts with both national and local regulations. At the national level, the university’s policies adhere to the fundamental principles of Law No. 18/2008 on Waste Management, which provides the legal framework for waste management, including the reduction of plastic waste. Additionally, IPB University’s initiatives are aligned with Government Regulation No. 81/2012 on Waste Management of Household Waste and Similar Waste, which outlines specific requirements for the management of plastic waste. More recently, IPB University’s plastic waste reduction efforts are guided by the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.75/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/10/2019 on the Reduction of Plastic Waste, which sets national targets and guidelines for plastic waste reduction. By implementing policies to limit the use of plastic on campus, IPB University demonstrates its alignment with this important regulation.
At the local level, IPB University adheres to Bogor Regency’s Regulation No. 13 of 2019, which restricts the use of plastic and styrofoam in the area. This alignment with regional policy showcases IPB’s dedication to supporting local environmental initiatives. The university’s efforts also contribute to the objectives of Bogor Regency’s Local Regulation No. 6/2018 on Waste Management, which provides a comprehensive framework for waste management, including plastic waste reduction.
Bogor Regency’s Regulation No. 13 of 2019
To formalise its commitment within the university, IPB has issued Rector’s Decree No. 133/2020, specifically highlighting plastic waste reduction as a priority (page 2, point n). Additionally, Rector Regulation No. 29/IT3/OT/2020 establishes a waste management framework that supports the university’s plastic waste reduction goals.
Rector’s Decree No. 133/2020 (page 2, point n)
Waste Management at IPB University
IPB University further strengthens its policies through Circular Letter No. 24714/2021 (page 2, point 3.ii), which encourages the adoption of sustainable alternatives and limits the use of single-use plastics among students, staff, and visitors. This comprehensive approach, grounded in national and local regulations, positions IPB University as a leader in sustainable campus management.
IPB University has a comprehensive policy and practice in place for the disposal of hazardous materials, ensuring alignment with national and local regulations. At the national level, the university’s waste management policies adhere to Government Regulation No. 101/2014 on Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management, which provides the legal framework for the proper handling and disposal of hazardous waste; Minister of Environment Regulation No. 30/2009 on Procedures for Waste Permit Issuance, which outlines the necessary steps for obtaining permits related to hazardous waste management; Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.12/MENLHK/SETJEN/PLB.3/5/2020 on the Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste, which provides the latest technical standards and guidelines for the handling of hazardous and toxic waste.
IPB University also refers to the Minister of Environment and Forestry Circular Letter No. SE.2/MENLHK/PSLB3/PLB.3/8/2020 on the Implementation of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management, which offers additional guidance on the practical implementation of hazardous waste management
Policy on Waste Disposal Management
At the local level, IPB University’s hazardous waste disposal is aligned with the Bogor Regency Local Regulation No. 6/2018 on Waste Management, which provides a comprehensive framework for waste management, including the handling of hazardous waste. IPB University has formalised its commitment to responsible hazardous waste disposal through the issuance of Circular Letter No. 22015 (point 6), which outlines the university’s waste management policy, including the management of hazardous waste. Each unit within the university has to implement the zero-waste policy, such as by reducing single-use items (such as plastic and styrofoam) and managing hazardous waste.
Circular Letter No. 22015 (point 6)
Hazardous waste disposal system
Commitment to Implement Standardized Waste Management
To formalise its commitment, IPB University has issued Circular Letter No. 22015 (point 6), which outlines the university’s waste management policy, including the management of hazardous waste. Additionally, Rector’s Regulation Number 133/IT3/LK/2020 (page 2, point m) ensures that all hazardous waste generated within IPB University will be treated according to applicable regulatory standards.
Rector’s Regulation Number 133/2020 (page 2, point m)
Unit Coordinator for Campus Waste Management
To oversee and coordinate the implementation of the university’s waste management practices, the Directorate of Infrastructure, Facilities, and Campus Environment Security plays a central role, as mandated by the Board of Trustees Regulation Number 06/MWA-IPB/P/2020 (page 44, Part 9, Article 85). This helps maintain water quality standards, protecting ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.
Board of Trustees Regulation Number 06/MWA-IPB/P/2020 (page 44, Part 9, Article 85)
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