“Women and girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence in every part of the world. Gender equality is a fundamental human right, and a foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Providing women and girls with equal access to education is a key part of delivering gender equality, but universities also have a wider role to drive forward gender equality in their communities.”
(THE Impact Rankings)
Student access measures
IPB University has systematically measured/traced the students, especially female students’ progress from the application rate and entry phase up to the completion of the study through the online application system “Admisi IPB”. We declare this commitment through circular letter no. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 in point A about tracking and monitoring disaggregated data on social inclusion groups, including women. We also Publish the data into the sustainability report and profile gender and social inclusion IPB.
We declare our commitment in addressing women’s applications, acceptance/entry, and participation at the university through circular letter no. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 about Gender Responsive and Socially Inclusive Campus points B, C, D, and G. IPB University has systematically measured/tracked students’ progress, especially female students from the registration level and entry stage of studying completion through the online application system “IPB Admission”. In addition to the online application system, the Chancellor of IPB, the Vice Chancellor, and all Deans of Faculties/Schools periodically evaluate the participation rate of IPB University. We have affirmation support for departments with a small number of female applicants, such as engineering. In addition, we affirm departments with a minimal number of male applicants, such as nutrition science and family and consumer science (stated in Gender Profile Page 6).
IPB University provides a women’s access scheme, including mentoring, scholarship, and other provisions stated in Circular Letter No. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 Gender Responsive and Socially Inclusive Campus Points B, C, D, and G.
Women Mentoring Schemes through Girls Leadership Camp
IPB established the Girls Leadership Camp (Asrama Kepemimpinan Putri/AKP), a talent pool to develop leadership skills and create future female leaders. This program is part of Leadership Booth Camp, which includes male and female participants with a relatively balanced proportion within both groups of participants. AKP is focused on supporting women to grow, learn and thrive in today’s challenges. This program is also intended to respond to several important issues: lack of leadership, lack of integrity, radicalism, and the decline in the interest of the young generation in agriculture, as well as gender imbalance in leadership. This program has been running for two years, and in 2021 various activities were done online and offline. Participants had an opportunity to hear from senior women at the University and other professionals, participate in skill-building workshops and network with professionals from across the fields. There are three major programs in AKP, namely: (i) the soft skill development program through Agri-preneur, agri-leader, and agri-technopreneur program, (ii) the coaching program through community empowerment, spiritual development, leadership training, and anti-radicalism education, and (ii) talent mapping development, public speaking training, and The 7 Habits training.
The Leadership Dormitory Program and Cadres of First Generation Female Agricultural Warriors
Scholarship for Woman
In collaboration with Hoshizora Foundation, IPB University offers scholarships for women in Indonesia:
Partnering with the Women’s International Club (WIC), IPB University offers scholarships for undergraduate students in Indonesia:
Other provision
IPB University encourages women to have equal opportunities in applying all degree programs offered by the university. This commitment stated in Circular Letter No. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 about Gender Responsive and Socially Inclusive Campus Point D. Female students can freely choose the study program they like to learn. Based on our gender profile document, the proportion of female students enrolled in each faculty/school is more than half the student body. Interestingly, the number of female students in vocational schools is higher than male students.
Additionally, as part of the efforts to support women’s application in underrepresented subjects, IPB University actively collaborates with community groups or NGOs through various programs. For example, IPB University participated in the “Girls Take Over” program, which Plan International Indonesia Foundation organized. Putri Gayatri, a student of IPB University from the Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema), Department of Communication Science and Community Development (SKPM), had the opportunity to become CEO of Telkomsel for a day.
The story of Putri Gayatri, an IPB University student who became the CEO of Telkomsel for a day
IPB Committee, office or officer on equality, diversity and inclusion:
Women's progress measures
IPB University has norms and academic policy on anti-discrimination against women through Rector Decree no. 133/IT3/LK/2020 point b-d.
Rector’s Decree No.133/IT3/LK/2020: Commitment to Achieving SDGs
This matter also declares through Circular Letter No. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 about Gender Responsive and Socially Inclusive Campus Point E, H, I, and J.
To enforce the policy, IPB University has IPB Help Center to protect and facilitate those who report discrimination.
IPB University has norms and academic policies on anti-discrimination for all through Rector Decree no. 133/IT3/LK/2020 point B to D.
Rector’s Decree No.133/IT3/LK/2020: Commitment to Achieving SDGs
It is also declared through Circular Letter No. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 concerning Gender Responsive and Socially Inclusive Campus Points E, H, I, and J.
To enforce the policy, IPB University has IPB Help Center to protect and facilitate those who report discrimination (via help Center).
Every female staff is given the right to take maternity leave for 2 months under Rector Regulation No. 7 of 2021 concerning the Management of IPB Employees states – Chapter XIV Article 44 (Paragraph 2) – Page 18. The procedure to propose a maternity leave is described in evidence/link 2.
Rector Regulation No. 7 of 2021 concerning the Management of IPB Employees
This commitment is also stated through Circular Letter No. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 about Gender Responsive and Socially Inclusive Campus Point F.
IPB University has two accessible childcare facilities for students which allow recent mothers to attend university courses, namely (1) Agriananda IPB organizes Early Childhood Education with programs are: Kindergarten Plus, Play Group, and Daycare; and (2) School of Character (Lab school Pendidikan Karakter IPB) for Early Childhood (4-6 years old) children education, established based on IPB Rector Decree Number 168/13 / LL / 2011.
IPB Childcare Facilities
Agriananda Childcare and Kindergarten are located in IPB Darmaga Campus, Jl. Palem No.4, Kecamatan Darmaga, Jawa Barat 16680, Indonesia
More information about Agriananda Childcare and Kindergarten:
Lab school Pendidikan Karakter IPB is located in IPB Baranangsiang campus, Jl. Cikabuyutan No.10, RT.04/RW.05, Tegallega, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16129
More information about Lab school Pendidikan Karakter IPB:
IPB Lactation Room
Besides that, since 2018, all faculties at IPB University have had lactation rooms. The policy of providing breastfeeding space follows the Rector’s work program for the 2017-2023 period.
IPB has two childcare that can be accessed by staff and students which allow recent mothers to attend university courses, namely (1) Agriananda IPB organizes Early Childhood Education with programs are: Kindergarten Plus, Play Group, and Daycare; and (2) School of Character (Lab school Pendidikan Karakter IPB) for Early Childhood (4-6 years old) children education, established based on IPB Rector Decree Number 168/13 / LL / 2011.
IPB Childcare Facilities
Agriananda Childcare and Kindergarten are located in IPB Darmaga Campus, Jl. Palem No.4, Kecamatan Darmaga, Jawa Barat 16680, Indonesia
More information about Agriananda Childcare and Kindergarten:
Lab school Pendidikan Karakter IPB is located in IPB Baranangsiang campus, Jl. Cikabuyutan No.10, RT.04/RW.05, Tegallega, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16129
More information about Lab school Pendidikan Karakter IPB:
IPB Lactation Room
Besides that, since 2018, all faculties at IPB University have had lactation rooms. The policy of providing breastfeeding space follows the Rector’s work program for the 2017-2023 period.
IPB University provides women’s mentoring schemes such as mentoring, scholarships, or other provisions. This commitment also stated through Circular Letter No. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 about Gender Responsive and Socially Inclusive Campus Point C, D, and G.
Women Mentoring Schemes through Girls Leadership Camp
IPB established the Girls Leadership Camp (Asrama Kepemimpinan Putri/AKP), a talent pool to develop leadership skills and create future female leaders. This program is part of Leadership Booth Camp, which includes male and female participants with a relatively balanced proportion within both groups of participants. AKP is focused on supporting women to grow, learn and thrive in today’s challenges. This program is also intended to respond to several important issues: lack of leadership, lack of integrity, radicalism, and the decline in the interest of the young generation in agriculture, as well as gender imbalance in leadership. This program has been running for two years, and in 2021 various activities were done online and offline. Participants had an opportunity to hear from senior women at the University and other professionals, participate in skill-building workshops and network with professionals from across the fields. There are three major programs in AKP, namely: (i) the soft skill development program through Agri-preneur, agri-leader, and agri-technopreneur program, (ii) the coaching program through community empowerment, spiritual development, leadership training, and anti-radicalism education, and (ii) talent mapping development, public speaking training, and The 7 Habits training.
The Leadership Dormitory Program and Cadres of First Generation Female Agricultural Warriors
Scholarship for Woman
In collaboration with Hoshizora Foundation, IPB University offers scholarships for women in Indonesia:
Partnering with the Women’s International Club (WIC), IPB University offers scholarships for undergraduate students in Indonesia:
Other provision
IPB University has measurement/tracking of women’s likelihood of graduating compared to men’s. In IPB Gender Profile, we state in Figure 1 about tracking female graduates in our university. IPB tracks graduation through the internal system
This commitment also stated through Circular Letter No. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 about Gender Responsive and Socially Inclusive Campus Point A.
IPB University has IPB Help Center to protect and facilitate those who report discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage. This commitment also stated through Circular Letter No. 24799/IT3/KP/2021 about Gender Responsive and Socially Inclusive Campus Point E, H, I, and J.
Number of women starting 1st degree
Number of 1st gen women starting 1st degree
Percentage of 1st gen women starting 1st degree
Number of senior academic staff
Number of female senior academic staff
Percentage of female senior academics
Number of degree graduates by subject area (STEM, Medicine, Arts&Humanities/Social Sciences): Total
Number of degree graduates: STEM
Number of degree graduates: Medicine
Number of degree graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences
Number of female degree graduates by subject area
Number of female first degree graduates: STEM
Number of female first degree graduates: Medicine
Number of female first degree graduates: Arts & Humanities / Social Sciences
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