“Decent work in safe and stable conditions is a vital component of helping people out of poverty, with the related aspects of reducing hunger and increasing health. The rise of precarious employment, modern slavery, and uneven growth has created threats to a sustainable future. Universities as employers can lead the way, as teachers can educate for the future, and as innovators can develop new and fairer ways of working.”
(THE Impact Rankings)
Employment practices
IPB University has implemented a payment system based on West Java Governor’s Decree 561/KEP.732-KESRA/2021 (page 3 – Kota Bogor). IPB University bases its definitions of pay for person, pay for position, and pay for performance on the national policy outlined in Rector Decree No 18/IT3/KP/2019 concerning remuneration system guide (Pages 7, 9-13), which results in monthly take-home pay for staff and faculty members being higher than the local government’s minimum wage (IDR 4,330,249.57).
A base wage, a bonus for the thirteenth month, a bonus for religious holidays, a bonus for good health, a lunch allowance, health insurance, and a pension fund comprise a person’s pay. Professional incentive, honorarium, and managerial allowance are all included in the package. The pay for performance package includes overtime incentive, international scientific publication pay, innovation pay, community service pay, and on-time attendance pay.
IPB recognizes Laborers Union such as FORTENDIK (for academic staff), Union Laboratory, Agrianita (for women) as the University’s the exclusive bargaining agent for general working conditions, employee benefits and services, training opportunities, and grievances with university administration. Articles 1 (point 7), 2 (point 2d), and 4 of Academic Senate Regulation Number 24/SA-IPB/P/2018 recognize the existence of Fortendik and include Fortendik legality (MWA) (point 1b, Ev 1). In accordance with the Labour Relations Act, IPB University extends certain organizational rights to organized labor, including female union members and foreign workers.
IPB University recognizes the education labor union through the Education Personnel Forum (FORTENDIK). Fortendik is included in the recognized representatives, has the right to speak and vote in the IPB University Board of Trustees.
Education Staff Labor Union (FORTENDIK) for the Period 2021-2023
We also have a labor union for laboratory staff at IPB University.
For female workers, we have an organization called Agrianita which has a management structure at the university, faculty, and departmental levels.
IPB is committed to providing equal employment and educational opportunities to its employees and students, as well as to creating a discrimination-free environment. As stated in Rector’s Decree No. 133/2020 (page 2, point b), IPB prohibits all students, employees, volunteers, and visitors from discriminating on the basis of any protected characteristic, including sex, pregnancy, gender identity, and age. This policy applies to all stages of its hiring process, admission or financial aid programs, and all other aspects of its educational programs or activities.
Furthermore, as stated in Senate Academic Regulation No.36/IT3.SA/P/2020, article 5(1e), page 6 the IPB has a policy on ending discrimination and ensuring inclusiveness in the workplace. Equality is demonstrated by providing equal and non-discriminatory opportunities and treatment to all members of IPB in carrying out their respective duties, including academic development and other activities, and not by making decisions that disregard differences in race, ethnicity, religion, gender, marital status, age, and disability. IPB provides employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
In any situation, IPB is committed to treating everyone equally with respect, compassion, adherence to ethics, politeness, and appropriateness. We issue a circular letter concerning gender responsive and inclusive campus to encourage anti-discrimination practices at IPB University.
We also created a reporting policy against acts of discrimination and sexual violence through All forms of discrimination will be processed and the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s personal data is guaranteed. The procedure for reporting acts of discrimination and sexual violence can be seen in the image below :
The prohibition of slavery in Indonesia is regulated in several applicable laws, this prohibition on slavery can be found in Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights and also Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Crime of Trafficking in Persons. As stated in the National Law (article 68 & 69), IPB is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business.
Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Crime of Trafficking in Persons
The academic senate’s regulation of ethics and behavior ensures commitment to fight against modern slavery. In light of the obligation to report on measures to ensure that all parts of our business are slavery-free, we operate and regularly review workplace policies and procedures to assess their effectiveness in identifying and addressing modern slavery issues. Our workplace policies and procedures demonstrate our commitment to conducting business ethically and with integrity, as well as to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our organization. Furthermore, as stated in Rector’s Decree No. 133/2020 concerning commitment to achieving SDGs, IPB has a policy against forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labor (page 2, point e).
We created a reward system guidelines that establish equal rights, which documents our goals in terms of the ethical impact, which includes modern slavery and human trafficking, when procuring all goods, services, and works (page 3, article 1 point 17, 20 & 21). Our standard contractual terms and conditions for procuring goods, services, and works include provisions that incorporate the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act and give the University the authority to request information from our suppliers on the nature of their supply chains as needed. This also makes it clear that third-party suppliers are expected to follow Responsible Procurement principles. As a result, all suppliers must sign an integrity pact. This agreement allows IPB to provide workers with equal rights as needed. The risks associated with equal rights for employees, modern slavery, and human trafficking can be considered, detected, and controlled through regular evaluations of our supply.
IPB University applies the principles of governance including in cooperation with third parties as stated in Academic Senat Regulation No: 36/IT3.SA/P/2020 (page 9 article 8) as follows:
IPB University also has academic ethics in the implementation of the tridharma as contained in the Regulation of the Academic Senate No. 33/SA-IPB/P/2019 (page 6 article 6).
IPB guarantees openness and fairness in using third-party workers and guarantees multi-stakeholder cooperation in managing and developing the university (page 2 point f and g).
The IPB has a pay scale equality policy that includes a commitment to measuring and eliminating gender pay disparities. IPB employs both permanent civil servants and non-civil servants. In this regard, the IPB must align its policies with those of the government, particularly in its remuneration system. The IPB uses the 3P remuneration system, which includes Pay for Person, Pay for Position, and Pay for Performance. Gender is not a factor in worker remuneration disparities at IPB. Regional Minimum Wage Standards imposed by the government, as well as comparisons from other industries excluding the Higher Education industry, are also considered in the Take Home Pay remuneration of University Workers. In addition to the government’s BPJS Kesehatan (Healthcare and Social Security Agency), the IPB implements additional worker welfare programs such as additional health insurance and welfare assistance.
IPB University Remuneration System Guide (Policy on Gender Equity)
We track and measure gender disaggregated data for various activities on campus including efforts to promote equality in gender equity
Profil Gender IPB University 2021 (Monitoring on Gender Equity)
IPB University’s standards for evaluating and reviewing faculty remuneration are handled openly and transparently in accordance with the Civil Servant Pay Act, Teachers Remuneration Regulation, Labour Standards Act, and IPB regulation. The University does not discriminate against staffs and students based on their gender. These issues are addressed in Rector’s Decree No. 18/IT3/KP/2019 concerning Guidelines for the Remuneration System (Chapter 3), Principles and Concepts of the Payment System page 3, and Chapter 2, Page 3- 5, Evidence 1), and Articles 1 – 5, page 4, Evidence 2). IPB has several measures to track gender equality in terms of their pay scale. There is no difference between men and women. IPB implements the 3P remuneration system consisting of Pay for Person, Pay for Position, and Pay for Performance. At IPB , gender is not a factor in workers’ remuneration disparities. Regional Minimum Wage Standards imposed by the government and comparisons from other fields excluding the Higher Education industry are also taken into account in the Take Home Pay remuneration of University Workers. In addition to BPJS Kesehatan (Healthcare and Social Security Agency) made by the government, IPB also implements other additional worker welfare programs.
IPB University Remuneration System Guide (Policy on Tracking Gender Equity)
Our Comitment on Track pay scale gender described in Gender, Diversity, and Social Inclusion Profile IPB 2021 (Page 9)
Gender, Equality, and Social Inclusion Profile 2021 (Page 9 described monitoring for gender equity)
IPB University has IPB Help Center to protect employee rights, pay, and facilitate those who report discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage. The following list of appeal procedures and relevant laws for University teachers, staff, and contract workers is organized according to various positions and protected rights: (1) The University fully complies with the Civil Service Protection Act and the Civil Service Protection and Training Commission Incident Review Regulations to protect civil servants’ appeal rights. (2) To protect those who are entitled to the Labour Standards Act’s appeal rights (cited in Article 1 Points 6–8 on Page 2, Articles 32, 34, and 35 on Pages 23–24, and Articles 38–39 on Page 25).
In terms of the topics on the agenda of the labor-management meeting, the university’s HR department adheres to the Ministry of Labour’s Regulations for Implementing Labour-Management Meetings in order to protect the rights of its employees (Reference Chapter, point 9, Evidence 3).
IPB University’s Employee Management Guidelines(Employment Practice Appeal Process)
Complaints about Violations of IPB Employee Discipline (Employment Practice Appeal Process)
We also created a reporting policy to facilitate employment practice appeal process through All forms of employment practice appeal will be processed and the confidentiality of the personal data is guaranteed. The procedure for employment practice appeal process can be seen in the image below :
Number of employees
Number of academic staff
Rp 1,141,955,802,271
University expenditure
Number of students
Number of students with work placements for more than a month
Number of employees on contracts of over 24 months
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