“A high-quality education should be an area where universities excel. Education is a key gateway out of inequalities, especially multi-generational ones. In addition to improving quality of life, access to inclusive education can help equip locals with the tools required to develop innovative solutions to the world’s greatest problems.”
(THE Impact Rankings)
Lifelong learning measures
IPB University is committed to providing free access to those not studying at the university’s educational resources, including free courses leading to certificates, library access, journals, and public lectures through youtube and other links for various knowledge products under the IPB repository.
IPB-ICE Institute
IPB joined the Indonesia Cyber Education Institute or what can be called the ICE Institute, which is a digital marketplace for quality online courses in Indonesia. The main objective of the ICE Institute is to facilitate the provision of quality education while ensuring the quality of online learning and distance education services. Carrying the tagline “Inspiring Innovation with Integrity”, IPB encourages the creation of various innovations and discoveries that benefit the community.
Lectures in Youtube Channel
In addition, many courses at IPB University can be accessed freely through the Youtube channel IPB.
Open Access Library & Journals
IPB University provides a library to support education, research, and community service implementation. In carrying out this function, the IPB Library collects, processes, and disseminates information on science and technology and documents the scientific works of IPB staff, theses, and dissertations. The library manages all the resources in the printed and electronic library materials. Non-IPB also becomes extraordinary member by registering through the website. Non-IPB also becomes extraordinary member by registering through the website. IPB University has more than 80 journals managed by its departments and faculties, and four of them are indexed by the reputable database Scopus. All these journals are open-access. IPB also provides free access to various knowledge products under the IPB repository.
IPB University has more than 80 journals managed by its departments and faculties, and four of them are indexed by the reputable database Scopus. All these journals are open-access. IPB also provides free access to various knowledge products under IPB repository.
In 2021, IPB University hosted many events, such as seminars/webinars, public lectures, and conferences, mainly online. This program varies from ad-hoc or on programmed bases. Many of those events were attended by many participants not only from IPB university but also from other universities, governments, institutions, NGOs, or communities.
Some events are programmed, such as Strategic Talks organized by the Directorate of Scientific Publication and Strategic Information that discuss public policy on agriculture, marine, and biosciences. In addition, there are also Tea Talk and IPB Talk discussion series that discuss updated research topics and transdisciplinary sciences.
Faculties/departments/centers also conduct ad-hoc educational events in the form of webinars or guest lectures. For example, Education and Training for Indonesian Port Experts conducted by the Center for Coastal and Environmental Resources Studies (PKSPL), Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University in collaboration with the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation RI, has succeeded in producing human resources in the field of port experts. More than 2000 port experts have succeeded in advancing the Indonesian port sector.
IPB University Assesses Strategies for Building Economic and Business Institutions in Rural Areas
IPB Training organizes training or executive education programs, which are offered to the public, including practitioners, researchers, and government officials, on a program basis. In addition, faculties or research centers also organize ad-hoc training programs for the public.
- IPB University, through IPB Training, conducts several events and professional training to develop HR skills based on applied life sciences, business, and economics, statistics, etc. IPB Training delivers value through regular training service and particular training according to customer needs (in-house training).
- IPB University, through the research center, also organizes training or events that are open to the general public, such as PKSPL (Center for the Study of Coastal and Ocean Resources) IPB University held Basic Training for Geographical Information Systems or abbreviated as GIS is a framework for collecting, managing, and analyzing data. GIS is a computer-based system that uses spatial data, including input, processing, manipulation, data analysis, and getting the required output.
- IPB University Lecturers Train Teachers in the Philippines About Character Education. Realizing the importance of character education from an early age, SEAMEO CECCEP (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting) and the Department of Family and Consumer Science (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University developed an online training on the application of Dwiasas Character: Politeness and Persistence since early 2021.
- Portable DNA Sequencer Application Training for Teachers. To reduce the knowledge gap between local and central schools, IPB University held a virtual training, “Portable DNA Sequencer Application to Support Basic Science Learning.” This training provides opportunities for collaboration between laboratories and secondary schools to improve the quality of education and will also be opened
- R Program Training for Fisheries Resources Management. This training is an initial initiation for scientific and capacity development activities related to the future use of the R program in fishery resource management. Specifically, this activity aims to introduce and strengthen the network of users of the R program to support the management of fishery resources, the semantics of the implementation of R program training activities, and the forerunner of the R program center in the FPIK environment. In this training, participants learn to create algorithms and run scripts in R Studio, download the software, install the structure of required data, visualize and interpret results.
- Training on Kutukebul Identification. Kutukebul is an insect whose role is widely known as a nuisance insect or plant pest. Kutukebul carries a virus so that the attacked plants will dwarf yellow and curly leaves, which disturbs the physiology of the plant and decreases its productivity. Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, in collaboration with the Indonesian Entomology Association (PEI), created an online Kutukebul Identification Training activity.
Regularly, IPB University organized a community services program beyond campus involving students every year (on a programmed basis) in the “Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik (KKNT)” (Thematic community learning services). In addition, lecturers and units at IPB (Departments, Faculties, Study Centers) carry out education outreach activities with an ad-hoc and program scheme.
1. Thematic community learning services (KKNT)
IPB University organizes a community services program involving students every year in the “Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik (KKNT)” (Thematic community learning services) program. In 2021, IPB sent 3513 students across Indonesia to Join KKNT 2021. Students participated in community services for 40 days in 196 Districts. The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University held a General Thematic Field Work Lecture (KKNT) at IPB University 2021 to provide the skill and knowledge for all participating students. Several KKNT programs are related to educational programs for the community, among others:
- Teaching digital marketing for SMEs
- Discussion with local stakeholders on the establishment of tourist villages
- Teaching households about waste management
- Teaching local residents to make hand sanitizer from Aloe Vera
- Education about the importance of vaccination to prevent the spread of Covid-19
2. Educational outreach program by Student Union
Voluntary student-run schemes conducted by students, such as IPB Teaching, one program of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of IPB University, held Educational Discussions in 57 service locations spread across 12 provinces in Indonesia. IPB Teaching carries the theme “New Challenges of Indonesian Education After the COVID-19 Pandemic”. This activity provides an opportunity for all levels of society, such as teachers, students, students, parents, and the government, to discuss educational issues and find the best solutions for the advancement of Indonesian education. There are several educational issues discussed. Starting from how people who live in forests access education, the condition of children on the coast, and how education problems arise during the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Educational outreach programs by faculties and research centers
Faculties and research centers conduct several ad-hoc educational outreach activities that facilitate faculty members and researchers to share knowledge and increase the literacy of communities on many aspects of life.
- Technical assistance and assistance for ornamental plant farmers
- Workshop on tourism village development
- Digital literacy webinar. The Center for Conflict Resolution Studies, IPB University, conducted outreach activity in the school through a digital literacy webinar. The teachers, as participants, were given tips on teaching so that students don’t get bored while online learning.
IPB University has policies that guarantee open access to education without discrimination on ethnicity, religion, disability, and gender, as stated in the Rector Decree no 133/IT3/LK/2020, page 2, point c.
This policy is a derivative of the Academic Senate Regulations number 36/IT3.SA/P/2020 concerning Norms and Policy of IPB University in achieving SDGs. This regulation highlights the commitment of the university to increase access to education for the communities (article 6, point 4a page 7).
The previous regulations regarding this matter were Academic Senate Regulation No. 10/SA-IPB/P/2016 concerning Academic Norms of IPB University. Article 9(point 5), page 13, states that IPB provides open and fair opportunities for all people of the nation from various regions to become members of the academic community and educational staff at IPB.
Number of graduates
Number of graduates with teaching qualification
Percentage of graduates with teaching qualifications
Number of students starting 1st degree
Number of 1st gen students starting 1st degree
Percentage of 1st generation students starting 1st degree
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