“SDG 16 and 17 explore some of the underlying factors that are needed in order to ensure delivery of the other SDGs. Peace and Justice go hand in hand – and indeed are vital for equity between people and countries. Supporting this we need our institutions to be strong enough to maintain a focus on delivering the SDGs. This can range from individual justice – eradicating modern slavery and people trafficking – to ensuring that our countries have the evidence base needed to react appropriately to crises.”
(THE Impact Rankings)

University governance measures

Elected representation

IPB university has elective representation (the Board of Trustees), namely Majelis Wali Amanat (MWA), which is the highest body at the University. According to MWA Decree of IPB University no. 09/WMA-IPB/P/2021 concerning organizational structure and governance, MWA has 17 members consisting of representatives of various stakeholders, including The Ministry of Education, Rector, Academic Senate representing faculty members (8 people), the chief of staff organization, the president of student organization, the chief of alumni association, and representation of society (4 people).

MWA Decree no. 09/WMA-IPB/P/2021

Board of Trustee’s Organizational Strucuture

Every year, IPB holds an annual meeting by the Board of Trustees to discuss policy and annual performance report.

MWA General Assembly 2023

MWA General Assembly 2024

Students' union

IPB University has 174 student organizations as a forum for students in democratic learning related to academic environment, student affairs, etc. Each faculty, department and the university has a students’ union consisting of the Student Consultative Assembly (MPM), the Student Representative Council (DPM), the Student Executive Board (BEM), Undergraduate Students’ Professional Association, Vocational Professional Association, Student Activity Units (UKM), and Postgraduate Student Community (Forum Wacana). Students’ union is regulated in the Rector’s Regulation No.19/IT3/KM/2018.

Rector’s Regulation No.19/IT3/KM/2018

Rector’s Decree on the Chairperson of The Student Organization IPBl University 2023

Identify and engage with local stakeholders

IPB University formulated policies and procedures to identify stakeholders and aims to build strong engagement with them, as written in IPB Statute Article 38-39, that specify collaboration in academics and non-academic affairs (page 19-20, Article 38-39). 

IPB Statute


In more details, this collaboration is regulated through MWA Regulation No. 11/IT3.MWA/PR/2018 concerning Non Academic Collaboration. Article 4 specifies scope of non-academic collaboration that can be implemented by IPB University. Article 6 Article 6 relates to external stakehodlers who can collaborate in non-academic (local government, private sector, etc). Article 7 poin 2 specifies criteria of partner candidate that have to be assessed. Article 8 specifies procedure of implementing collaboration. 

MWA Regulation No. 11/IT3.MWA/PR/2018


All evidence of activities and specific guidelines to identify and engage with local stakeholders falls under the Directorate of Community Development at IPB University.

Directorate of Community Development – IPB University

Participatory bodies for stakeholder engagement

IPB University ensures that local stakeholders in the university, including residents, local government, and civil society representatives, have a meaningful mechanism for university decision-making. The engagement of stakeholders is manifested in the structure of the Board of the Trustees IPB University, such as Lecturer Representatives, Community Representatives, and Student Representatives.

IPB University Board of Trustees

Local stakeholders, including local government and civil society, are important elements of the Board of Trustees of IPB University, who participate in the university’s decision-making. There are four representatives of society who take part in the Board of Trustees of IPB University, including:

  1. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil (Governor of West Java Province)
  2. Suryopratomo (element of society)
  3. Sunarso (element of society)

All evidence of activities and specific guidelines to identify and engage with local stakeholders under the Directorate of Community Development IPB University.

Directorate of Community Development – IPB University

IPB also actively engages with the local government in Bogor. For example, since 2021, IPB University and the Local Government of Bogor launched Sekolah Pemerintahan Desa to implement good governance at the local level and to help village apparatus to do their job more optimally.

School for Village Government

University principles on corruption and bribery

IPB has university principles and commitments against organized crime, corruption & bribery through the formation of working groups and collaborating with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

MoU BETWEEN KPK and IPB in Efforts To Eradicate Corruption

IPB University has principles and commitments on anti-organized crime, anti-corruption, and bribery as stated in our Senate Academic Regulation No. 33/SA-IPB/P/2019, article 1 point m, page 3, and article 11, p. 9–10, “Pencegahan Kejahatan Luar Biasa”. Additionally, IPB University also  formed an Anti-Corruption Working Group as stated in Rector’s Decree No.122 Year 2023.

Senate Academic Regulation No. 33/SA-IPB/P/2019

Rector’s Decree No.122 Year 2023

IPB University has introduced a new course titled “Integritas dan Budaya Antikorupsi” (Integrity and Anti-Corruption Culture) as part of its Enrichment Course curriculum (K2020). This initiative aims to educate students on anti-corruption principles and foster a culture of integrity within the academic community. The course covers topics such as the theory and concepts of corruption, academic integrity, anti-corruption values and principles, relevant legislation, causes of corruption, and national and international anti-corruption instruments.

Integrity and Anti-Corruption Culture Course

Academic freedom policy

IPB has a policy to support academic freedom through Academic Senate Regulation No. 28/SA-IPB/P/2018 concerning Norms, Academic Freedom, and Scientific Autonomy. Article 4 point 2 specifies the scope of academic freedom, including teaching, research, and community empowerment. This regulation is valid for all faculty members, regardless of their ages, as well as staff and students. Article 4 point 3 specifies various areas or forums in which academic freedom is ensured and respected.

Academic Senate Regulation No. 28/SA-IPB/P/2018

Publish financial data

IPB University committed to publishing its financial report annually. The annual financial report is publicly opened and audited by an Independent Auditor, namely PWC. The opinion of the public accountant on the IPB Financial Report 2024. It is written that the consolidated financial performance and cash flow in 2023 is in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards. 

IPB Financial Report 2023

IPB Financial Report 2016-2021 (Audited)

Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) of IPB Financial Management

The financial report is classified as one of the reports that must be available at any time based on Regulation of Central Information Commission No. 1/2010 concerning Public Information Service Standards (see Article 13).

Regulation of Central Information Commission No. 1/2010

Working with government

Provide expert advice to government

IPB University actively provides advice and inputs for policy-making made by the local, regional, and national governments in agriculture, marine, and biosciences. The following are several examples of expert advice delivered to regional and national governments in 2023. Specific expert advice for the national government:

Specific Expert Advice to the National Government

IPB University lecturers recommend responses to the effects of climate Change. The recommendations suggest that addressing global warming in agriculture involves three key areas: anticipation, mitigation, and adaptation. To mitigate the effects of climate change, the recommendations focus on developing action plans that concentrate on adjusting food production systems, expanding agricultural and fisheries areas, improving and developing climate-proof agricultural infrastructure, and developing adaptive and innovative technologies. These recommendations can be seen as a form of policy guidance that could be used by governments to develop strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Recommendations about Climate Change

IPB University and the General Election Commission (KPU) have signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the utilization of Information and Technology (IT) for the 2024 General Election. IPB University is developing a special application called the Voter Data Information System for the 2024 General Election. This application will be used by the KPU to optimize IT for improving electoral services in Indonesia.

Voter Data Information System for the 2024 General Election

Specific Expert Advice to the Regional Government

The Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management (CCROM) is actively collaborating with the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) Asia Pacific to develop a Climate Action Plan for the city of Pontianak. This initiative is part of the city’s broader strategy to combat climate change and involves close cooperation with local government and community groups. The plan focuses on strategies for adapting to and mitigating tidal flooding, enhancing waste management, and promoting the use of green energy, ensuring that local stakeholders are engaged in addressing these critical issues.

Climate Action Plan – Pontiak City

The Center for Environmental Research (PPLH) at IPB University conducted a study on the water quality of rivers in DKI Jakarta. The findings, presented by Dr. Liyantono, revealed that the majority of these rivers are heavily polluted, with key contaminants including fecal coliform bacteria, free chlorine, hydrogen sulfide (H₂S), ammonia (NH₃), and high chemical oxygen demand (COD) levels. These pollutants exceed the established quality standards, leading to unpleasant odors and other environmental issues. Based on this research, PPLH IPB University recommended several measures to the government, such as promoting the use of environmentally friendly materials, raising public awareness about river management, enhancing domestic waste treatment facilities, increasing oversight of businesses and offices, and implementing integrated water quality improvement processes involving physical, chemical, and biological treatments. Additionally, they suggested revising technical approval schemes for wastewater disposal to encourage wastewater utilization or introduce compensation mechanisms. These recommendations aim to improve water quality and address pollution challenges in Jakarta’s rivers.

PPLH’s Study on Water Quality in DKI Jakarta

IPB University actively collaborates with the regional government in DKI Jakarta by serving as a key member of the Task Force for Climate Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation, as stated in Governor’s Decree No. 209/2023 (page 8). As part of this group, IPB University leads research and innovation efforts focused on climate disaster risks. The findings from these studies are provided to the local government to inform and enhance early warning systems and strategies for climate disaster adaptation and mitigation in the region.

Governor’s Decree No. 209/2023

Specific Expert Advice to the Local Government

The Disaster Study Center (PSB) at IPB University has recommended a model for earthquake-resistant buildings. This model, named ‘ARIP House,’ stands for IPB Agronomy-Horticulture House. The ARIP House’s earthquake-resistant construction is the result of research on “A Community-Based Perspective Study on the Reconstruction of Housing for Earthquake-Affected Communities in Cianjur.” The study found that residents in earthquake-prone areas prefer not to be relocated, making the ARIP House an ideal solution for local governments looking to reconstruct housing for communities living in seismic risk zones.

ARIP House

IPB University also has launched the Riset Aksi (Action Research) and IPB Peduli (IPB Cares) programs in response to the disasters in Cianjur. These initiatives aim to provide direct, research-based assistance to affected communities, focusing on recovery, rebuilding, and resilience against future disasters. By combining scientific expertise with practical support, IPB University is helping to address the immediate needs of disaster survivors and is fostering longer-term strategies for disaster preparedness and risk reduction. These initiatives involve close collaboration with local governments and the community to support communities facing displacement and other climate-induced challenges.

IPB Peduli

IPB also actively provides policy briefs for the local, regional, and national governments, which were published in Policy Brief Pertanian, Kelautan, and Biosains Tropika.

Policy Brief Pertanian, Kelautan, dan Biosains Tropika

Policy and lawmakers outreach and education

Training on the Village Information and Administration System (SIKD) in Cibunian Vilage

In December 2023, lecturers from the Vocational School of IPB University conducted training on the Village Information and Administration System (SIKD) for the community of Cibunian Village, Pamijahan District. This training aimed to enhance the village’s administrative capabilities and stimulate local economic growth by leveraging technology. Such initiatives reflect IPB University’s commitment to providing education and upskilling opportunities in areas like technology and economics, thereby supporting policymakers and community leaders in making informed decisions.

SIKD Training

Village Governance School

In August 2023, IPB University, in collaboration with the Bogor Regency Government, organized the third cohort of the Village Governance School (Sekolah Pemerintahan Desa). This program aims to enhance the competencies of village officials in governance, administration, and community development. By providing targeted education and training, IPB University supports local policymakers in effectively managing village affairs and fostering sustainable development.

Village Governance School

Online Course for Provincial Department of Marine and Fisheries and the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM)

IPB University actively engages in outreach and capacity-building initiatives for policymakers and stakeholders in various sectors. Through its training division, IPB Training, the university offers programs such as the “Online Course on the Practical Application of Food Additives in the Food Industry”. This course is designed to enhance participants’ understanding and practical application of food additives in the food industry. It targets professionals from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in food processing, restaurants, catering services, research and development departments of food processing and packaging industries, as well as educators in food and pharmaceutical studies.

Practical Application of Food Additives in the Food Industry

Online Course for Departments from Ministry of Public Works, and the Ministry of Agriculture

IPB University offers programs such as the Online Course on Hydrological Modeling in Watershed Management.” This course is designed to enhance participants’ understanding of hydrological modeling for effective watershed management. It covers topics like the basic concepts of hydrological modeling, utilization of HEC-HMS and SWAT models for watershed management, and data parameterization. The course is particularly beneficial for professionals in health, safety, and environment (HSE) roles, consultants and contractors in reclamation, government agencies (such as BPDASHL, BBWS under the Ministry of Public Works, and the Ministry of Agriculture), dam construction contractors, and academics. By providing such specialized training, IPB University contributes to the upskilling of individuals involved in policy implementation and regulation within the environmental and water resource management sectors.

Online Course on Hydrological Modeling in Watershed Management

Participation in government research

Research Collaboration with  Regional Office of the National Land Agency of West Java Province

The Agrarian Study Center of IPB University, in collaboration with the Regional Office of the National Land Agency of West Java Province, conducted research on the social vulnerability of the Agrarian Reform Acceleration Program. This research aimed to map the factors causing social vulnerability faced by communities and analyzed the typology of land conflicts, which was then used to map the various existing conflict resolution methods and their effectiveness in resolving conflicts.

Research on The Social Vulnerability of The Agrarian Reform Acceleration Program

Leading Research and Innovation in The Task Force for Climate Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation in DKI Jakarta

IPB University actively collaborates with the regional government in DKI Jakarta by serving as a key member of the Task Force for Climate Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation, as stated in Governor’s Decree No. 209/2023 (page 8). As part of this group, IPB University leads research and innovation efforts focused on climate disaster risks. The findings from these studies are provided to the local government to inform and enhance early warning systems and strategies for climate disaster adaptation and mitigation in the region. 

Governor’s Decree No. 209/2023 (page 8)

Neutral platform to discuss issues

IPB Strategic Talks is a neutral platform and safe space for political stakeholders to discuss challenges. Various topics on policies related to agriculture, marine, and biosciences have been discussed among various stakeholders, including academicians, the government, and political stakeholders. IPB Strategic Talks are organized regularly by the Directorate of Scientific Studies and Academic Reputation.

Strategic Talk – IPB University




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Number of graduates from Law

4.6 %

Percentage of graduates from Law

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