“A high-quality education should be an area where universities excel. Education is a key gateway out of inequalities, especially multi-generational ones. In addition to improving quality of life, access to inclusive education can help equip locals with the tools required to develop innovative solutions to the world’s greatest problems.”
(THE Impact Rankings)
Lifelong learning measures
IPB University provides free access to its educational resources for individuals not enrolled at the university. These resources include free courses that lead to certificates, library access, journals, and public lectures available on YouTube and other platforms. Through the Indonesia Cyber Education Institute (ICE Institute), IPB offers free online courses for students across Indonesia, complete with certificates upon completion.
Evidence : ICE IPB University
1.IPB Courseware
IPB University give free access for students and the public to learn and download study activity in IPB Courseware. This course is available for summer course, winter, seminar and proposal topic.
Evidence : IPB Courseware
2.Repository IPB University
IPB Library gives access to the public by registering them as extraordinary members. The university manages over 70 open-access journals, all of which are freely accessible. Furthermore, IPB provides free access to various knowledge products through the IPB repository, promoting a culture of open knowledge and learning.
Evidence: Repository IPB University
1. Online seminar
In 2023, IPB University, through its various units (departments, faculties, and directorates), organized numerous events such as seminars, webinars, public lectures, and conferences, both online and offline. These events ranged from ad-hoc to regularly programmed initiatives. Many of them attracted participants from IPB University and other universities, government agencies, institutions, NGOs, and local communities. Some events are part of ongoing programs, such as “Strategic Talk” organized by the Directorate of Strategic Studies and Academic Reputation, which focus on public policy related to agriculture, marine sciences, and biosciences. Additionally, the “IPB Talk” discussion series explores current research topics and transdisciplinary sciences. Various faculties, departments, and research centers also host ad-hoc educational events, such as seminars and guest lectures. For example, the general public can easily access online seminars on specific topics like statistics.
Evidence: IPB Online Seminar
2. Sekolah Pemerintahan Desa
In 2023, IPB University held “Sekolah Pemerintahan Desa” or village government school for Bogor Regency area. This event is attended by 60 village heads, 60 operators, from 60 different villages in Bogor Regency area.
Evidence: Sekolah Pemerintahan Desa
1. IPB Training, Microtik Training for vocational student
IPB University, through IPB Training, organizes various events and professional training programs aimed at developing human resource skills, with a focus on applied life sciences. IPB Training offers value through both regular training services and customized in-house training designed to meet specific customer needs. Additionally, IPB University, through its research centers, also hosts training programs and events that are open to the general public. For instance, PKSPL (Center for the Study of Coastal and Ocean Resources) at IPB University conducted a Port Specialist Training to enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of professionals working or aspiring to work in the port sector. Other training programs include Microtik Training for vocational students, among others.
Evidence : Microtic Training For Vocational Student
2. PMM IPB (Independent Student Exchange)
IPB University collaborates with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia open an Independent Student Exchange for 150 bachelor students at 20 department and 50 vocational students at 18 department in IPB University
Evidence: Independent Student Exchange IPB
1.KKN-TI 2023
IPB University actively engages in a variety of educational outreach activities beyond its campus. One notable initiative is KKN-T (Kuliah Kerja Nyata-Tematik, or Thematic Community Service Learning), aimed at disseminating university research and innovations to local communities. In 2023, a total of 3,717 students participated in KKN-T, impacting 395 villages across 7 provinces in Indonesia and resulting in the publication of over 800 articles in various media outlets.
Evidence : KKNT IPB 2023
2.Dosen Mengabdi
In addition to KKN-T, IPB runs the Dosen Mengabdi (Lecturer/Faculty in Service) program, which allows faculty members to engage in community service and outreach activities, sharing their expertise to benefit the broader community. In 2023, this program involved 51 teams consisting of 170 lecturers across 16 provinces in Indonesia.
Evidence : Dosen Mengabdi Tematik
3. Saba Kampus
Furthermore, the university is committed to developing communities in the 18 villages surrounding its campus. These initiatives include a range of activities such as lectures, training sessions, collaborative projects, and various forms of assistance provided by IPB to support local residents. These initiatives are designed to extend the university’s educational impact beyond the academic community, fostering a culture of learning and development at a local level.
Evidence : SABA kampus
IPB University students who are members of the Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) Sociopreneur One Village One CEO (OVOC) activity at the Al-Islam Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), South Kalimantan provide assistance for preparation of financial reports for the Islamic Boarding School Business Management Agency (BPUP) and technology transfer. This activity is introduce SI APIK application by IPB University lecturers that can help direct BPUP financial records at the Al-Islam Islamic Boarding School
Evidence : OVOC IPB
IPB University has established policies that ensure open access without discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, disability, or gender, as outlined in the Academic Senate Regulation No. 10/SA-IPB/P/2016 on Academic Norms. Evidence 1, Article 4(a) (pg. 10) underscores that academic policies at IPB University must be inclusive and free from discrimination. Additionally, Rector Regulation No. 13/I3/KM/2015 on Campus Life Rules (Article 12(g), pg. 6) explicitly prohibits any form of verbal violence, including bullying, within the university community. Furthermore, the IPB University Statute (Article 74(3)) mandates that all members must provide services without discrimination. Lastly, IPB University’s commitment to equitable service access for all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status, or gender, is reinforced in the Rector’s Decree No. 133/IT3/LK/2020 (Page 2, Point C). (Prinsip dan Kebijakan Strategis Keberlanjutan Bidang Tatakelola, pasal 8, ayat 1 (partisipatif dan inklusif)
Evidence :
- Senate Academic Regulation Number 10/SA-IPB/P/2016, About norm and academic regulation at IPB University,
- Rector Regulation Bogor Agriculture University Number 13, IT3/KM.2015 about campus life rules for Bogor agricultural institute students
- Rector Decree Number 133, IT3, LK, 2020. About Sustainable Development Point 2
- Principle and Sustainable Strategic Regulation management field, Article 8, Verse 1 (participatory and Inclusivity)
Number of graduates
Number of graduates who gained a qualification that entitled them to teach at primary school level
Number of students
Number of students starting a degree
Number of first-generation students starting a degree
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