“Over 10% of the world’s population live in extreme poverty, unable to fulfill the most basic needs such as food, health, education, access to clean water and sanitation. Universities need to be able to demonstrate how they are helping to address this problem through their work.” (THE Impact Rankings)
University Anti-Poverty Programs
Community Anti-Poverty Programs
Capacity Building for local start-ups or SMEs
IPB University has a long record in community development, including assisting start-ups in the local community to sustain their businesses. IPB University also actively organizes training or programs to improve access to basic services for all.
- IPB tenant incubation program implemented by IPB University includes a mentoring and funding scheme for innovative and prospective technology-based startup entrepreneurs in tropical agriculture, biosciences, and maritime. Stages of activities start from the selection and recruitment of prospective tenants and incubation (training, technical assistance in production and business management, business matching, exhibition, and monitoring evaluation).
- Access to University Facilities for SMEs. Science and Techno Park (STP) IPB University is offering free access to state-of-the-art agricultural science and engineering equipment and facilities to help Indonesian SMEs, spin-outs, and start-ups to develop their business. The scheme is designed to overcome cost barriers and derisk experimental materials-based R&D and to help pave the way for future collaborations with IPB University. To apply, the company should read the eligibility and submit the application form to STP IPB.
- Training and technical assistance for SMEs. SEAFAST Center IPB University, in collaboration with the Office of Cooperation and SMEs, Bogor, organized training for SMEs in Food Sector. IPB University also facilitates business network expansion as a solution for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) surrounding the campus area. Another form of assistance provided by IPB University to support local start-ups or SMEs is to develop 22 websites for 74 MSMEs that can be used for 74 SMEs in Bogor Municipality.
Institute of Science and Technology Park (LKST) IPB University provides financial assistance for local start-ups through Startup Incentive Program to provide seed money for business development. This program is included in the mentoring program implemented by the Division of Business Incubator and Industrial Partnership in LKST. In 2021 there are 8 startups have been granted under this program.
IPB University strongly engages with the communities and continuously implements programs to improve access to basic needs for all. Several programs that have been implemented in 2021 are listed as follows.
- Training in urban farming aims to encourage people to always be productive in their activities at home during the Covid-19 pandemic and be able to meet the needs of vegetables for their households. This training consisted of four sessions which included urban farming, microgreens cultivation, hydroponic and verticulture cultivation, and high-nutrition fun agriculture.
- Enhancing household food security is an important issue for the rural community. Through the KKN program, students of IPB University educate households to conduct fish cultivation in buckets (budikdamber) and nutrition gardens to enable the family to provide food and generate income.
- Providing access to nutrition literacy. To increase community awareness and understanding of nutrition, IPB University created an Online Nutrition Status Check Application. This application also assists the government in overcoming stunting in Indonesia.
IPB has participated in policy-making processes at local, regional, national, and/or global levels to implement programs and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions.
National Level
- IPB University has introduced Precision Village Data (Data Desa Presisi – DDP) to the central government and local governments of 11 provinces to assist the government in solving poverty problems. DDP presents accurate data for Indonesia. The efficiency of that accurate data results from a participatory approach that includes numerical and spatial data. This method has been implemented in over 1200 villages in those provinces and will continue to expand in the next year.
- Dr Hawis Madduppa, Head of the Department of Marine Science and Technology (ITK) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University, as well as Head of Marine Biotechnology Division of the Indonesian Association of Marine Scholars (ISKINDO), make a courtesy visit to handling extreme poverty in coastal areas with Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.
- Professor of the Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan, recommends more realistic indicators to determine poor households eligible for direct cash assistance implemented by the central government.
Local level
IPB University assists the provincial government in eradicating poverty in East Nusa Tenggara Province to improve the quality of life of the community. IPB University also recommends and will assist the NTT government in providing education and practices for good nutritional intake, as well as developing fisheries, animal feed, Moringa, and animal husbandry to overcome poverty in the region.

Regional/International level
IPB University Professor Prof. Hardinsyah was elected President of Asian Nutrition Societies from 2019 to 2023. This institution promotes nutrition improvement, one of the poverty dimensions.
IPB aims to admit 25 percent of students who fall into the bottom 20% of the household income group in Indonesia, namely families with less than IDR 4 million per month. It is stated in the Contract of Performance between the Ministry of Education and the Rector. IPB Strategic Plan 2019 -2023 also states the commitment to give priority to young generations from forest-community, fishermen, and farmer households which majority of them are from low-income households.
IPB University also implements the Equitable Academic Tuition Fee (UKT) scheme, considering the socio-economic backgrounds of the students. Some students from very low-income families were exempted from paying the Institution and Facility Development Fee. During the COVID-19 pandemic, IPB also prepared 7 education fee reduction schemes.
2040 of the 7985 graduates (26 percent) in 2021 come from low-income families (or earn less than 4 million Rupiah per month). This percentage reaches the target percentage of Bottom Financial Quintile Students accepted by IPB. In addition to the graduate target, IPB also has a target of 70 percent of its graduates working directly within one year of graduation. This target is to improve the quality of learning and the relevance of higher education as stated in the Contract of Performance between the Ministry of Education and the Rector.
IPB University provides various support for students, particularly from low-income families, to enable them to complete their studies. Our fundamental principle is that all qualified individuals should be able to attend university regardless of their financial status. We accomplish this objective by working with the government, donors, and students. We are proud of our innovative financial aid programs specifically geared to ensuring an accessible, top-quality education for all students.
1. Food Support
IPB Food Support is dedicated to reducing food insecurity among IPB undergraduate students:
- IPB Go Maksi: Free Lunch program for undergraduate students
- Dapur Agrianita (Agrianita’s Kitchen): Every month, Agrianita IPB provides free meals for more than a thousand students in IPB. the mechanism of implementation will be in the rotation of faculties.
- Milk and Fruits Assistance: This program was organized by the Directorate of Student Affairs IPB University to provide free milk and fruits for undergraduate students.
2. Housing and Dormitory
IPB University offers one of the most affordable student accommodation options. Experience life in an inclusive, supportive and authentic environment with students from around Indonesia and the world. Resident students can also get involved in the various sporting, cultural and well-being events that run year-long as part of our inter-cultural program, allowing you to create memories and friendships during your time at IPB. For details information, please click here:
3. Transportation
IPB University provides free transportation throughout the campus for enrolled students and employees. To learn more about transportation options on campus and view suggested routes to popular campus locations. Visit:
In the 2021 academic year, 12,602 students (49.25% of total students) received a scholarship, which is 30 percent higher than in 2020. About 55 percent of scholarship holders originate from low-income families, indicating a big concern of IPB University to provide access for the young generation from this community group. The scholarships have enabled the students to finance their studies until graduation.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, IPB also prepared 7 education fee reduction schemes.
Scholarships available for Bottom Financial Quintile Students
There are various schemes of scholarship and support provided for students who fall into the bottom 20% of the household income group to enable them to complete their studies.
1. KIP Kuliah/The Indonesia Smart College Card Scholarship
The Indonesia Smart College Card Scholarship (KIP-K) is a scholarship program for underprivileged and outstanding students organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia. This program assists in the form of tuition fees and living expenses for students for 8 semesters.
2. The Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship (Beasiswa ADik)
The Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship (ADik Scholarship) is one of the affirmative educational policy interventions in the form of government assistance to provide learning opportunities for students because of the conditions and affordability of access to higher education. In 2020, the ADik scholarships will be given to students from Papua and West Papua, outermost and disadvantaged regions (3T), children of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI), and people with disabilities. The ADik scholarship scheme provides educational assistance for students from Papua and West Papua, 3T, TKI, and students with disabilities with a full affirmation assistance scheme related to selection and financing schemes.
3. Beasiswa Utusan Daerah/The Regional Representatives Scholarship
The Regional Representatives Scholarship (BUD) is a pathway for new student admissions for the IPB Undergraduate Program, which is recommended and financed by the central government, local government, companies, or private institutions who, when graduated, are expected to return to the region to develop the region. BUD is a scholarship for low-income students recommended by local government or private students who are expected to build their region once they graduate.
4. Beasiswa Kemitraan Negara Berkembang/KNB Scholarship
Kemitraan Negara Berkembang Scholarship, popularly known as KNB Scholarship, is financial assistance offered by the Indonesian Government to prospective international students from developing countries to pursue their master’s degree in one of the Indonesian universities. To date, the scholarship has also been offered to other developing countries in Asia, the Pacific, South America, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Eventually, the scholarship is expected to build people-to-people relations between Indonesia and the recipient countries. It aims at nurturing their future leaders.
5. PPA Scholarship
The PPA Scholarship or known as the Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship, is a scholarship that gives special appreciation to outstanding students. This scholarship selects students with the highest GPA in each faculty with a minimum GPA of 3.00 to apply. PPA scholarships usually start in semester two and open at the beginning of each semester
6. BU Scholarship/Beasiswa Unggulan
Beasiswa Unggulan (BU) are scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to improve human resources, especially in education and culture. This scholarship aims to reduce the educational gap in Indonesian society. So it is hoped that there will be great opportunities for the poor or those living in disadvantaged areas to get proper education to improve quality through the provision of education and training assistance. The Ministry of Education and Culture’s scholarships consist of several categories, namely: 1. Scholarships for outstanding people, 2. 3T Regional Scholarships (Lagged, Foremost, and Outermost) in Indonesia, 3. Excellent Scholarships for Ministry of Education and Culture Employees, and 4. Scholarships for people with disabilities.
7. Beasiswa Peningkatan Prestasi Ekstrakulikuler/Extracurricular Achievement Improvement Scholarship
Extracurricular Achievement Improvement Scholarship is a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to improve soft skills and appreciate students who excel in extracurricular activities. This scholarship is also known as a student’s Interest, Talent, Reasoning, and Creativity Achievement Scholarship.
8. SEARCA Scholarship
The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) offers qualified applicants for MS and Ph.D. scholarships in agriculture and related fields for School Year 2020-2021. By the end of the f Academic Year 2020-2021, SEARCA has granted a total of 1,753 full MPh.D.hD scholarships and 10 Ph.D. Research scholarships to nationals of SEAMEO member countries, namely: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam to pursue advanced studies leading to master’s and doctoral degrees in agriculture, forestry, and related sciences. IPB University is one of the universities which serve as a study post for Master’s and Ph.D. scholars.
9. IPB-Tanoto Foundation Scholarship
This program is one of the commitments of Tanoto Foundation founders, Mr. Sukanto Tanoto and Mrs. Tinah Bingei Tanoto, to overcome poverty through education, empowerment, and enhancement. This program provides an opportunity for Indonesian youth who are outstanding but face an economic problems to experience high-quality education. Tanoto Foundation Scholarship is for students with debilitating condition(s) while continuing their education at a college. This scholarship is also for students coming from 3T areas (frontier, outermost, underdeveloped – Kemendesa RI) to be responsible leaders and contribute to the nation. The scholarship program also participated in preparing the next generation of Indonesian leaders. In addition, this scholarship also assists students coming from disadvantaged regions in Indonesia. The targets of the National Champion Scholarship are students from undergraduate (S1) and post-graduate programs (S2) with a proven record in academic and leadership potential.
10. IPB Alumni Foundation Scholarship
IPB Alumni Foundation Scholarship (YAPI) is routinely given to IPB undergraduate students every year. This scholarship comes from IPB alumni who are members of the IPB Alumni Foundation and is proof of the commitment of IPB alumni to continue to contribute to their addresses and help prospective students get a proper education at IPB. YAPI next year targets 1000 scholarships for prospective IPB students.
11. Women’s International Club (WIC) Scholarship
The Women’s International Club (WIC) Scholarship is routinely given to IPB undergraduate students. The scholarship is a priority given to female students in fields of direct benefit to the community. Every year, WIC Scholarship has 50 students selected from hundreds of applicants. They come from the University of Indonesia (UI), the State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah (UIN), The State University of Jakarta (UNJ), The Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), and the College of Public Health or Vocational Collage. The Scholarship Program organizes social events for the students twice a year, such as social gatherings, seminars, and outings. The scholarship also offers classes every week for the needs of the students, such as English classes.
In 2021, 51 international students actively participated in lectures at IPB University at various levels. About 47 of them received scholarships, and all of them are students at the master’s level (S2). The percentage of foreign students at the master’s level at IPB who received scholarships was 92% , with the source of the scholarships coming from Beasiswa Kemintraan Negara Berkembang (KNB), Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA).
Source of Scholarship | Receipient | |
2020 | 2021 | |
KNB | 17 | 29 |
GIZ | 15 | 15 |
SEARCA | 3 | 3 |
Country | Receipient | |
2020 | 2021 | |
Timor Leste | 18 | 18 |
Afghanistan | 1 | 3 |
Cameroon | 1 | 1 |
Egypt | 1 | 2 |
Ghana | 1 | 2 |
Iraq | 1 | 2 |
Liberia | 1 | 1 |
Nigeria | 1 | 1 |
Pakistan | 1 | 2 |
Palestine | – | 1 |
Rwanda | 2 | 3 |
Sudan | 2 | 2 |
Syria | – | 1 |
Tanzania | 2 | 7 |
Thailand | 1 | 1 |
Uganda | 1 | 3 |
Zimbabwe | – | 1 |
TOTAL | 34 | 51 |
Number of Students
Number Students Receiving Financial Aid
Proportion of Students Receiving Financial Aid
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